To the Christian Church in India
The Lord says, India beloved, My neglected, My abused daughter, how I love you and adore you! The day of your deliverance is at hand! I know the pain and suffering you have greatly endured. I know the condition of the body of Christ which has been so divided and competitive. But I am bringing changes to you that will compel you to support one another, for there will be no solace from your enemies within. I know the many persecutions and martyrdoms you have suffered. There will be only a need to CLING TO ME in the midst of the darkness.
You have much history of clinging, yet so much fear has filled the heart of My Indian church, and too many western ways. I have called you out of darkness, into My glorious, glorious LIGHT. I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and the LIFE! I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Your guru’s have penetrated other nations with their abominable lies and destruction. Thus I will send some of you to heal up the wounds incurred by My western bride, to bring them GOOD FOOD that they will know that they must suffer with ME to share in My glory!
Your managers and handlers are not happy, nor are they mindful of the things of God. Yet I will have MY WAY in your nation! There is nothing that is impossible for ME.
Hyderabad, know that I have watched and weighed you in the balances, and strange worship is lifted up within your gates, but I will heal your wounds of the past and bring you deliverers who will also teach you TRUTH.
Bangalore, friend with the west, I will also bring down the vain philosophies of men and show you that you are NOTHING before MY POWER AND GLORY! You are walking in western ways, but this does not please me. Your business men, and your pride is lifted up, and I will SHAKE your foundations. Those who are faithful to ME there will STAND in the midst of shakings and I will pour out great POWER & GLORY upon your people that they may heal the wounds of your people.
Delhi, you have stood as a beacon of paganism and profit, and though you have advanced in some western ways, I will allow changes that will benefit MY KINGDOM above YOURS. Watch from the NORTH, for you will not find friendship with kings of the desert nations. They have another motive to help you. For they seek to expand THEIR kingdom, and that of their pagan god. Those who stand within you, who are MINE will be safe in My arms. But the violence of the past and of the political parties who oppose ME, will be destroyed. They will WANT to know the TRUTH, Who is MY SON, when I get through with them. I will shake your foundations! I will startle you with what I do! I will shake you loose from the ancient paths you’ve taken and those who have come to ME will heal your wounds and
Show you the TRUTH of My existence with their LOVE with which I am anointing them.
Chennai, city of chambers, I will pour out My glory upon believers there, to such a degree, that every knee will bow. Startling miracles are coming to you, but not just in bodies that are broken, but in SIGNS and WONDERS that will shame all the false gods they worship. Guru’s cannot do what I can do! THINK BIG for heaven is My throne and earth is My footstool! The house I wish to dwell in is the HEARTS OF MEN, WOMEN, boys and girls! Tsunami’s have come, and more judgment will ensue, and people will be in grief over all I do to chastise the lost, but they will understand by YOUR LOVE for them, the truth of MY WORD.
Goa, by the sea, I will bring great tumult to thee! One if by land, two if by sea, Tremendous change will cause you to tremble before ME, and I will shake you loose of all ancient warring and slaveries. I will WASH away the sins of generations, and I will crush worldliness and establish godliness instead of wantonness.
Bombay, another city by the sea, in whose hand is great poverty and great wealth. I will WASH away your abominations. I will destroy the ancient foundations of paganism, and theft, murder and idolatry, and I will bring NEW freedom as MY people have sown and sown, and sown into righteousness and healing there, thus I will bring a powerful wave of HEALING GRACE and wash away all your wounds, and exorcise all the greed and avarice.
Mountain cities of the north, I will usher a wave of shakings that will loosen all the unbelief and I will use My people there to break the power of BITTERNESS and hatred from centuries of enslavement. I will heal the generational wounds, and you will receive and outpouring of GLORY that will RESTORE MY KINGDOM within your midst. Miracles and more miracles, signs and wonders will explode upon the scene, and those who have mocked you will be humbled and abased before your eyes.
Visak by the sea, I have great intentions and expectations for you beloveds. You have sown in worship and now I will sow to you in BLESSINGS & GLORY that you may establish MY KINGDOM among the heathen. I have not forgotten you. I have seen your longing for MORE, and it is AT HAND. LIFT UP YOUR EYES and see, the KING OF GLORY IS COMING IN. WHO IS THE KING OF GLORY? THE LORD MIGHTY IN BATTLE. I will establish MY OWN CHILDREN, and I will take the wealth of the wicked and give it to the righteous, for millions will bow to ME as I pour out MY GLORY and you will see the longing of your hearts.
I warn you all that brother must not take up sword against brother. Though they imprison you and report lies against you. Yet I WILL BRING YOU OUT. I AM YOUR SALVATION and the LIFTER OF YOUR HEAD. Do NOT fight except against the ENEMY of your soul. Remember who your real enemy is. And it is not flesh and blood, but powers and principalities, and spiritual wickedness in heavenly places. WORSHIP ME with abandonment. IN HEAVEN EVERYTHING WORSHIPS ME. Do not be too busy to spend time with the LOVER OF YOUR SOUL! I AM the LOVER of your soul. I want communion with My BRIDE. Come to ME. Spend time with ME, and I will show you great and marvelous things you do not know. [Jer 33:3] And I WILL RESTORE ALL the treasures stolen from you!
India AFLAME !
March 28th 2007
Scribe: Priscilla Van Sutphin
Heb 1:7 NKJV And of the angels He says:"Who makes His angels spirits And His ministers a flame of fire ."
Isa 10:17 AMP And the Light of Israel shall become a fire and His Holy one a flame , and it will burn and devour [the Assyrian's] thorns and briers in one day. [2 Kings 19:35-37; Isa 31:8-9; 37:36.]
Ex 3:2 AMP The Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush; and he looked, and behold, the bush burned with fire, yet was not consumed.
Job 41:21 AMP His breath kindles coals, and a flame goes forth from his mouth.
Rev 1:14 AMP His head and His hair were white like white wool, [as white] as snow, and His eyes [flashed] like a flame of fire. [Dan 7:9.]
The Lord said:
“ I am soon to make INDIA AFLAME with the gospel of TRUTH. The prayers of My saints and the sufferings and persecution of My people has come to me as a sweet smelling vapor. Have I not said that those willing to suffer with ME, will share in MY GLORY ? So I will rend the heavens and come down to you oh INDIA, and I will bless My servants who have paid a price, My remnant who has sought nothing for themselves, but MY glory only. I know it is hard to see martyrs. I know it is hard to endure suffering of imprisonment, but so did My apostles and disciples taste of My suffering. I know your pain and sufferings. Have you not heard, have you not read of the times that are now here in the book of REVELATION ?
Col 1:24 AMP [Even] now I rejoice in the midst of my sufferings on your behalf. And in my own person I am making up whatever is still lacking and remains to be completed [on our part] of Christ's afflictions, for the sake of His body, which is the church.
The “end times” are here. They are no longer “PENDING”. Therefore I am rending, and I am at hand to fight with you. You must walk IN THE SPIRIT, not in the flesh. You must learn to love your enemies instead of cursing them. You will see GREAT MIRACLES and explosions in the spirit if you will hearken to the voice of My prophets and apostles within your midst. There is a separation going on. I am dividing the sheep from the goats. The goats do not want the fellowship of My suffering. They preach prosperity and make themselves fat with the offerings of the poor, and they do not help My people. But the remnant who love ME, see ME in whomever they reach out to. I am NOT a God afar off, but close at hand. I AM WITH YOU. I AM EMMANUEL. I will not leave you nor forsake you. Do not defend yourselves with anger and strife of tongues. WEAR the mantle of HUMILITY and FORGIVENESS , always, and the enemy will not be able to fight against these. CAST ALL YOUR CARES ON ME and I will care FOR you. I have big shoulders. THE GOVERNMENT IS ON MY SHOULDERS. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the END. I am in LOVE with you My beloveds, and I will NEVER stop loving you.
I laid down My life and so you must lay down yours if you want to eat of My bread and drink of My blood. Make My house a house of prayer for ALL NATIONS, and WORSHIP and HEALING for all who will come to you. I am not a man that I should lie, nor a son of man that I should change My mind. I LOVE you and will ALWAYS love you. You are My precious sons and daughters and NOTHING can take away My love for you. GRACE abundant is coming for you and for ALL who will say YES, no matter what their sins are. I DIED FOR THEM ALL. The rich man is not better than the beggar. I DIED FOR ALL MEN. My grace is sufficient for you. ASK for My GRACE to help you.
KNOW that I am coming again to My church in this hour as I did at the first ! I will pour down abundant LOVE and POWER that the world around you will KNOW that I have loved you. CHALLENGE the forces of darkness with the WORD. PRAY and DECLARE MY WORD. PROCLAIM MY LORDSHIP OVER THE LAND. I will take many of you to other nations to feed My sheep, and I will send you many Apostles and prophets to feed YOUR SHEEP. Many will die for ME. It is much harder to LIVE for ME, than to die for ME. I KNOW YOU MY BELOVEDS, and YOU ARE INSCRIBED ON THE PALM OF MY HANDS. I AM MAKING YOU INTO MY LIVING FLAMES OF FIRE.
I am breaking the chains of the traditions of men and denominations. I am making you into ONE FAMILY, ONE CHURCH, for I am ONE GOD, though three Persons in One. And I must have a spotless Bride. So I am purging My threshing floors, and the sheep are being divided. I will TERRIFY YOUR ENEMIES if you will surrender COMPLETELY your ways and cling to MY WAYS. LOOK to ME for what to do. Do NOT move in the flesh, but ask for WISDOM each day. For each day brings it’s own challenges. Learn to REST in MY ARMS, and quiet yourself, meditating on My WORD, that I may speak to you MY wisdom and understanding for this hour. You are busy and you are zealous my church. But I can do in ONE DAY what you do in a year, if you will but come and spend yourselves on ME. REMEMBER PENTECOST and the early church, how they converted thousands in one day ? The upper room time was NECESSARY. In that time they worshipped and adored ME, they prayed, and spoke MY WORD more than their own. They ministered to ME. And out of THAT ministering to ME, I RENT the heavens and came down.
This hour is no different. The man of sin will soon be revealed. IT IS TIME FOR TIME WITH ME. ONLY out of that time with ME, should you DO anything. LISTEN to MY VOICE. ONLY DO WHAT I SAY, even as I only did what the FATHER was doing. REST in ME. LET ME GUIDE YOU and lead you into waters of refreshing. For I am JEALOUS for you. I want to COMMUNE with you. I LOVE YOU MORE THAN you can imagine. Just as a new husband loves his bride, I LOVE YOU, and am jealous for time with you. Do not feel guilty to spend time with ME. I am your rear guard. I can accomplish FOR you, WAY MORE, than you can do on your own effort.
Lean on ME and I will bless you beyond anything you can imagine. It is about to be a time of GREAT HARVEST as the earth has NEVER seen. Walk in the light, as I am in the light, CLING TO ME and I will UPHOLD YOU with MY righteous right hand. NOTHING will make me let go. To be absent in body is to be present with Christ. Do not FEAR beloveds, for time is shorter than you think. MY GLORY IS ABOUT TO SHINE BRIGHTER and BRIGHTER ! ASK and it shall be given you ! ASK to see MY GLORY !”
Upstream Ministries
Jeff Rodrick - Dec 2005
I wanted to share with the Ministry that we have many brothers and sisters in India that are on our mailing list. One brother in particular I was in prayer over. I began to pray for my brother and the plight that is over there, with starvation, poverty, epidemics etc. The Lord spoke to me to go to war in the heavenlies. I was to prophesy to the demonic host, and received a prophetic vision.
I became transposed as it were into a small boy and I did see myself as a small boy dressed in a white robe. I carried a candle in my hand. It was lite. I was instructed to place this candle on the ground in the region where my brother in whom I was praying for dwelt. I could see demons at every corner in that region. I flew as it were and descended out of the heavens with this candle. I was told to put in on the ground and as I did, more candles were given me. I kept placing candles here there and everywhere upon that region. As I placed the candles down, I did prophesy, to those that are about to die, we salute the Lord Jesus Christ. I said this numerous times. I said Lord why stop us just here why not all of India? I kept placing candles in what seem a whole District in the South east of India. I kept saying "To those that are about to die, we salute the Lord Jesus Christ." This death was a spiritual death and not a physical death.
Then I stopped, for it was far too much to place candles across the whole of India, I heard as it were a cannon going off, and these candles turned into great bursts of flame. Each time I heard the cannon go off the candles turned into pillars of flame. Some turned into the shape of a tree, whilst others turned into a pillar. I saw a map of India, it was burning from the South east, and continued to consume the map of India from the South to the North until the whole of India was burnt up. Now keep in mind this is a figurative burning, and not a literal one. This was the end of the vision.
Isa 29:6 - Show Context
Thou shalt be visited of the LORD of hosts with thunder, and with earthquake, and great noise, with storm and tempest, and the flame of devouring fire
Isa 30:27 - Show Context
Behold, the name of the LORD cometh from far, burning with his anger, and the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his tongue as a devouring fire:
Isa 43:2 - Show Context
When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.
Eze 15:6 - Show Context
Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; As the vine tree among the trees of the forest, which I have given to the fire for fuel, so will I give the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
Eze 20:47 - Show Context
And say to the forest of the south, Hear the word of the LORD; Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will kindle a fire in thee, and it shall devour every green tree in thee, and every dry tree: the flaming flame shall not be quenched, and all faces from the south to the north shall be burned therein.
Eze 22:31 - Show Context
Therefore have I poured out mine indignation upon them; I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath: their own way have I recompensed upon their heads, saith the Lord GOD
The fire is the Holy Spirit Fire. It will consume all things in India. Both man and beast. For God is in it. A spiritual purging for those that are his, and a burning ague for those that oppose him. I would be looking for a great revival to continue in India, and for a time of great sorrow to those that oppose the workings of the Holy Spirit in that country.
Jeff Rodrick
Heart-Life Ministries
17035 Gulf Blvd. 101
N. Redington Beach, Fl. 33708 USA
Christ's Servant & Yours
K. B.Solomon .P
Church: The Image of Jesus Christ
Two Visions for India
The vision God showed me while I was praying , " I saw the map of India , when I saw the Map, it was full of darkness(the whole map is full of black colour).then few minutes later I saw the way of light like a "KEY SHAPE" in the same dark Map of India I saw brightest white light, started from South to North & then from the centre of India in to the West.
God showed me vision in the car the vision was this. "I have seen huge burning fire it was burning & burning then I saw under the fire many, many people lifted their hands and praying, some were crying, some were confessing their sins and some were rejoicing then I saw a big Eagle on the top of fire in the high places flying up & up going into clouds" when I asked God about this God said to me I am going to hit your nation with my Revival I want you to get ready.
Sweet India --- A Word of the Lord.
Elvis Iverson
Omaha, NE, USA
India I have plans for you. I have a destiny for you. You shall be an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma. The council of the wicked shall be turned into foolishness. Their plans will come to nothing. I will give you wisdom to become economic power in the Earth. I will heal your land. The oil of the Holy Spirit shall come and there will be great and mighty demonstrations of power. The demonstrations of the Spirit and of power shall come. There will be great harvests of souls in this day. I will rise up Apostolic Churches in your major cities. I will move upon your villages and towns. I will minister to the poor of India.
I will humble you India and cause you to repent, you are not called to be a nation of war but a nation of peace. You are called to be neutral in this world. You are called to be a place of rest and refuge for my people. You are called to be an economic power in this world. I will deal with those who raise their hands at my people. No longer shall my people be under someone's feet, for they shall be the head. I will move in your governemt to bring justice and fairness among all.
A great number of Indians will be won to the Lord in this day. This will be one of greatest harvests of our time and in history! The Holy Spirit shall rain upon your lands for some years and you shall become fruitful. I will soften the ground for my near-future labors to come!
There shall be many happenings of the Spirit throughout your nation.
Many reports of the movements of the Spirit shall be heard in other nations. And many shall come and see! Many of my saints shall come to work in this great harvest field.
March 3rd, 2004
Priscilla Van Sutphin
To My daughter India,
I AM coming to you, for I have heard your prayers and petitions.
I have seen your fastings and self sacrifice.
I am sending relief. I am sending those who will help you build.
I am sending those who will teach you to walk together hand in hand.
I am wanting concerts of prayer and worship and for MY people who are one family in the Spirit to come together without competition, and without jealousies. UNITY is where the blessing is:
Ps 133 AMP A Song of Ascents. Of David.
BEHOLD, HOW good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! 2 It is like the precious ointment poured on the head, that ran down on the beard, even the beard of Aaron [the first high priest], that came down upon the collar and skirts of his garments [consecrating the whole body]. [ Ex 30:25,30. ]
3 It is like the dew of [lofty] Mount Hermon and the dew that comes on the hills of Zion; for there the Lord has commanded the blessing, even life forevermore [upon the high and the lowly].
If you want to see Me move in your city, then you must come together in love and unity. Come and worship Me with abandonment and I will meet you in that place of UNITY and I will tear down the witchcraft. I will destroy the idolatry. But you must not idolize your own ministry over what I want to build. You must love one another as I HAVE LOVED YOU ! I will not honor jealousy or competition between churches and ministries. This is only insecurity. I LOVE YOU, and you must believe that I love you all. I am so proud of you. I know the sacrifices you have made. I know the price you have had to pay. I know the times you have endured such great hardship and pain. I know the times you cried over your family and watched your children go without everything they needed. But I have given you a great gift of FAITH, that many in the western world have no knowledge of !
And I am coming with MORE POWER and the Spirit of MIGHT, that you will not cringe at the enemy of death. You will look him in the eye with confidence that I AM GREATER. For MY LOVE for you is as strong as death. Death is the last enemy. I will overcome if you will only believe that I love you SO much.
Eph 3:13-19 Amplified
13 So I ask you not to lose heart [ not to faint or become despondent through fear ] at what I am suffering in your behalf. [ Rather glory in it ] for it is an honor to you.
14 For this reason [ seeing the greatness of this plan by which you are built together in Christ], I bow my knees before the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
15 For Whom every family in heaven and on earth is named [ that Father from Whom all fatherhood takes its title and derives its name].
16 May He grant you out of the rich treasury of His glory to be strengthened and reinforced with mighty power in the inner man by the [Holy] Spirit [ Himself indwelling your innermost being and personality ].
17 May Christ through your faith [actually] dwell (settle down, abide, make His permanent home) in your hearts! May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love, 18 That you may have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp with all the saints [ God's devoted people, the experience of that love] what is the breadth and length and height and depth [of it];
19 [ That you may really come ] to know [ practically, through experience for yourselves ] the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge [without experience]; that you may be filled [through all your being] unto all the fullness of God [ may have the richest measure of the divine Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself ]!
LOVE is the GREATEST I said. Because when you know My love, when you realize how GREAT it is for you personally, then you can receive from ME all that I AM. You can be filled with the fullness of ME !!!! I am sending apostles and prophets that You might EXPERIENCE this love in greater measure than you have before. REVIVAL is going on in other places and I want to bring it to you ! Prepare your hearts and repent of any division or bitterness toward your fellow Christians, toward the lost or those who have maligned or used you. Surrender to me the pain of those things and lay them down at the cross. I WILL HEAL your hearts of any hurts and abuse. I will Make you to experience the fullness of MY LOVE and COMPASSION.
I AM loosing MORE of My Spirit in powerful displays and it will defy your ideas of what church should be, but it will bring much healing to the souls of many people. You will laugh and you will cry, you will SHAKE and you will roll.
But I am shaking off rejection. I am shaking rebellion and idolatry and witchcraft. I will shake off DEATH that has been over many people because of those things. But do not fear, for I AM coming like a mighty WIND upon the land and I will set MY PEOPLE FREE ! MIRACLES will abound. MIRACLES like Moses performed and Elijah if you will only BELIEVE !
It is time for ancient spirits to be dealt with MY WAY. WORSHIP is key in this revival and I will raise up those worshippers who will SHAKE the nation with their sincere love and adoration of ME. I will give to them creative ideas for invading the music industry. I will supply all that is needed for I want to shake this nation loose from it's pagan foundations and I will do it in this hour ! Your sacrifices have NOT been in vain. I have heard all and seen all. I will come and I will change the face of your nation. I LOVE YOU and will come fight beside you and FOR you.
A Prophetic Word For India
This word is submitted by Fred Kelly (
I have heard the cry of My people in India, says the Lord, and I Am about to pour out upon you My Glory in a way that you have never known before. There are those who would try to stop My glory, but it is not going to be stopped. I will turn back the enemy and I will turn back the curse upon the land. I will bring My people in to the promise of My grace, peace and joy and it shall be seen by all. My divine power has granted this unto you.
Many people will come to know Me as Lord and Savior as you walk in My glory. For I have said in My Word, "I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; 21 that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. 22 And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one" (John 17:20-22).
Signs, wonders, healings and miracles will follow you as you bring forth My word in the presence of My Glory and the Word will displace the darkness across the land. Be bold, be strong in the power of the Holy Spirit. The time is now for My people of India to move forward ... " 'Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says the Lord of hosts" (Zech 4:6). And multitudes shall be added to My Church, for the wind of My Spirit is blowing and it shall become as a mighty rushing wind to bring them into My Kingdom.
They will believe and they will be filled with My Spirit.
Go forth and proclaim My Word and I will show you great and mighty things you have not seen before. So, "Arise, My people! Let your light shine for all the nations to see! For the glory of the Lord is streaming from you.
Darkness as black as night shall cover all the peoples of the earth, but the glory of the Lord will shine from you. All nations will come to your light; mighty kings will come to see the glory of the Lord upon you" (Isa 60:1-3).
By Chad Taylor
My heart is in India says the Lord. My heart is hidden in the soil of that country. My heart is in the least of their brethren. My heart is captured in the hearts of their children. India is a field of dreams and this year the fallow ground shall be broken. I will restore the foundation of My presence and give the pearl of great price to this generation of harvesters. They will reap if they faint not.
I will arrest the hearts of their government. I will visit the bed chambers of their kings. I will speak in the ear of their magistrates and lawyers. I will turn the hearts of their leaders like water. I will walk between the pillars of their temples and courts making known My will. They will hear My voice in the midst of them and they will be saved. For now is the appointed time, now is the Day of Salvation.
I will open the door to their lion's dens. I will release those that have been persecuted for My names sake. I will send the angel of My presence into their streets and they will be healed. I will visit the prisoners and the outcast. I will appear to them in their pit and prison and they will declare My name. I will take them from the dung heap to sit with princes says the Lord. They walk the halls of Kings and bring a sweet smelling offering.
I will establish a fortress of My presence in India in the hour. I will lay a foundation of revival that the gates of hell will not prevail against. I will establish a revelation of My presence that cannot be shaken though there are many adversaries. I will open the eyes of My servants and they will declare a greater that is in them. When they walk through the fire I will be there, when they walk through the waters I will walk with them. O India you are Mine.
I will open the gates of commerce again in India. I will command a blessing on their commerce and trade. I will shift the weight of the ancient curses off of them and their yoke will be easy. I will pour out a blessing upon those that seek Me even more they can contain. From that blessing the nations will eat. Joseph's shall rise from the shadows of obscurity and persecution to bring prosperity and righteousness in this hour says the Lord. I will go before them and the nations will prosper.
I am building a bridge of My presence from America into India in this hour says the Lord. Many shall tread upon it and possess the land. I will cause a great favor in traveling from this country to that one. I will open doors no man can close. I will open the ancient gates and King of Glory shall come in. Who is this King of Glory? The Lord God Almighty is His name. And to those that are not ashamed of Me and My presence, the nations will be their inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth shall be their possession. For this is the inheritance of all the saints. This is My reward. Even now I am standing at the door.
Pastor Fred Kelly
Healing core, GodSpeak Healing School
Kelly Ministeries International
I have heard the cry of My people in India, says the Lord, and I Am about to pour out upon you My Glory in a way that you have never known before.
There are those who would try to stop Glory but it is not going to be stopped. I will turn back the enemy and the curse upon the land. I will bring My people in to the promise of My grace, peace and joy and it shall be seen by all. My divine power has granted this unto you. Many people will come to know Me as Lord and Savior as you walk in My glory says the Lord, for I have said in My Word, "I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word;21 that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me,and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.22 And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one." John 17:20-22 NKJV
Signs, wonders, heelings', and miracles will follow you as you bring forth My word in the presents pf My Glory and the Word will displace the darkness across the land. Be bold be strong in the power of the Holy Spirit. The time in now for My people of India to move forward ..."Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,'Says the LORD of hosts." Zech 4:6 NKJV and multitudes shall be add to My Church says the Lord for the wind of My Spirit is blowing and it shall become as a might rushing wind to bring them into MY Kingdom, believers filled with My Spirit, says the Lord. Go forth and proclaim My Word and I will show you great and might thing you have not seen before. So,"Arise, my people! Let your light shine for all the nations to see! For the glory of the Lord is streaming from you. 2 Darkness as black as night shall cover all the peoples of the earth, but the glory of the Lord will shine from you. 3 All nations will come to your light; mighty kings will come to see the glory of the Lord upon you. Isa 60:1-3 TLB