God is back from the future! He has already seen your destiny and His Spirit desires to empower us to see ourselves fulfilling divine destiny. We must remain stable and determined to not be double-minded in this season. I'm sure you are like me, wondering how to develop supernatural eyesight. I have pressed and sought some revelation concerning this.
Spending time each day with Holy Spirit is similar to taking Vitamin A for the natural eyesight. According to the many health professionals, Vitamin A is needed for several metabolic functions, especially for vision. Interestingly, Vitamin A is very effective for "night blindness." So, when we are facing spiritual seasons of great darkness and it is difficult to "see," we need our daily recommended dose of Holy Spirit, right?
Believers, I realize I am being a bit humorous, but I need to make a point. We are living in critical times and we need to see in the spirit in order to make needed shifts that affect our destiny. Consider this example from one of God's creations—the gazelle. You need to understand that God gave the gazelle a tremendous advantage over its predators. A gazelle is quick to move and dart away from any danger. In other words, it is hard to catch! Yet, even more amazing is its eyesight. The gazelle has one eye on each side of its head and can see nearly 360 degrees at once! This means that it is virtually impossible for a predator to sneak up to devour it.
The Devourer
We are at war with the devourer and the Lord does not desire that this predator sneak up on us and steal our future. We are also at the threshing floor, when God separates but also desires to bless us. We must be on guard not to hold back in our giving at this time as it will affect reaping in our next season. Though when I first began to write this article I had no intent on discussing giving, it actually cannot be separated from the devourer who steals if we do not trust God with our finances and the giving of what He is requiring.
Scripture reveals the devourer in Malachi 3:10-11 (AMP):
"Bring all the tithes (the whole tenth of your income) into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and prove Me now by it," says the Lord of hosts, "if I will not open the windows of Heaven for you and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. And I will rebuke the devourer (insects and plagues) for your sakes and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground, neither shall your vine drop its fruit before the time in the field," says the Lord of hosts.
Most of us are cognizant of the scriptural basis for tithing and sowing offerings to God. Without desiring to become legalistic, I believe we must give attention to the need to "not forget" God and His house during such despairing economic times. Mammon and the Antichrist spirit are rising up during this season and attempt to cause us to doubt God's ability to supernaturally move mountains for us. (I have just written an entire book on the Antichrist Spirit called Conquering the Antichrist Spirit, which you can order on the ElijahList. I encourage you to read it so that you can develop supernatural eyesight for victory in this season.)
We are warring against mountains of doubt and unbelief concerning the economy, provision and God's ability to cycle us out of the wilderness. Our only hope for the future is to fully trust God. Though we may not be able to "see" where the Lord may be leading, we must know in our hearts that He is able to make a way where there seems to be no way. We must remember the One who created the universe is the One who is really in control. God will always honor our seasons of sowing into His purposes. However, the enemy twists truth and speaks lies concerning our provision—especially in such uncertain times.
The devourer is connected to the words "locusts" and "caterpillar" which are the two most devastating threats to a harvest. Yet, God says in Joel 2:21-26 (AMP) that we are not to fear because He will restore what the devourer has destroyed!
Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice, for the Lord has done great things! Be not afraid, you wild beasts of the field, for the pastures of the wilderness have sprung up and are green; the tree bears its fruit, and the fig tree and the vine yield their (full) strength. Be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord, your God; for He gives you the former or early rain in just measure and in righteousness, and He causes to come down for you the rain, the former rain and the latter rain, as before.
And the (threshing) floors shall be full of grain and the vats shall overflow with juice (of the grape) and oil. And I will restore or replace for you the years that the locust has eaten—the hopping locust, the stripping locust, and the crawling locust, My great army which I sent among you. And you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the Lord, your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you. And My people shall never be put to shame.
Dear ones, when you sow seed into God's purposes, you need supernatural eyesight to see God plans to provide for us—even in difficult seasons. We are instructed to not allow fear to control our obedience to God. Fear links us to our past and blocks our future. The Lord has plans to multiply our harvest—even though we can't "see" it in the natural! This is why we must see with the eyesight of Holy Spirit.
Again, I do not desire to focus solely on sowing and reaping with this article. I simply desire that you develop supernatural eyesight so that you can be blessed in your future. Letting go now releases what God desires for the future. And we cannot ignore the fact that the devourer is linked to tithing and giving to God all which belongs to Him. In fact, we ourselves belong to God and we have been set apart unto Him. Therefore, in a way, we sow ourselves into God's Kingdom purposes. All of us experience dark seasons whenever we do not understand the plans and purposes of God. However, since the Lord does not desire that we be caught off guard by any plan of satan, we need the eyes of Holy Spirit.
How to Develop Spiritual Eyesight
Okay, now, here is another "key"—we need the Key of David. We've heard a lot of teachings on David's keys and I am not negating what has been previously taught. I am a prophet and simply want to convey what I am hearing. What I heard the Lord say was that David had the ability to see on the other side of closed doors. In other words, his prophetic gifting and insight empowered him to see the future even though doors were closed before him. Therefore, his ability to see supernaturally was his key to unlock closed doors!
On the other hand, we need our discernment sharpened so that we can properly discern which doors need to be opened. We can speak to mountains until the cows come home (I live on a ranch and believe me it takes them a while...they're slow!), but if God isn't ready to move that mountain, it won't move. We must understand our times and seasons. Some of us are waiting on God for the go-ahead to pray certain directives. To wait means to wait with great faith and expectation. If you have seen your victory and it is not time, trust God and wait in peace while expecting the breakthrough. Look at what Scripture says about the Key of David in the two references of Revelation 3:7 and Isaiah 22:22.
And to the angel (messenger) of the assembly (Church) in Philadelphia write: These are the words of the Holy One, the True One, He Who has the key of David, Who opens and no one shall shut, Who shuts and no one shall open...—Revelation 3:7 (AMP)
Notice that Christ is the One addressing the Church in Philadelphia and He is the One who has the Key of David. The Key which Christ holds is a key that opens and no one can shut and also shuts a door and uses the key to lock it so no one can open. The Lord desires to give us the same key which David had. The Lord desires us to see with supernatural insight what is promised beyond a door that appears shut. Using our key of faith and supernatural ability to see with the eyesight of Holy Spirit, we can open closed doors to our future and then, with faith, lock the door shut to lock out the devourer. We must rise up in faith and declare that the devourer cannot enter into our future!
The key is a representation of a key given to one who occupies a royal palace and can admit or exclude anyone from entrance. I believe God is opening the Heavens to us as a royal priesthood and is releasing keys of entrance into areas concerning the supernatural. Use your key of faith to unlock the heavenlies and begin to see with the eyesight of Holy Spirit!
Isaiah 22:22 refers to the "key of the house of David" which is laid upon the shoulder of Christ. ("Shoulder" in this passage represents divine government and authority.) Christ is represented as not only the One possessing the royal house, but also the one who watches over the entrance of others. The key of David's house is symbolic of the key which Christ has. David had his own palace as well as a fortress in Zion. Why did Christ give David a key with so much power? Because David was a man after God's heart! Because David's passion was bent on worshiping the Lord, He was given grace, favor and supernatural insight.
When David saw Goliath, he saw victory and not defeat. How could he do this when others remained fearful? It is because David saw beyond a closed door. He had spent hours alone with sheep and chose his time with his harp to worship and praise God. David knew God and therefore could see God. Spending time with God will empower you with supernatural eyesight!
Noah was one who walked with God (Genesis 6:9). To walk with God does not mean spending countless hours in prayer attempting to look religious and be legalistic. No! To walk with God means that we include Him in our lives and decisions on a daily basis. Spending time with God means that He is always in our thoughts and we have completely surrendered our lives to Him. When we walk with Him our supernatural eyesight is sharpened and we are empowered to see with eyes of His Spirit, and therefore are not afraid of our natural circumstances.
Moving Past Legalism and Religious Mindsets
In order to fully see with supernatural vision, we must move beyond our religious mindsets which link us to the past. Legalism will always attempt to have a seated position in our lives whenever we are afraid of our future. We are easily tempted to go back to a formula or an old pattern when we are faced with challenges.
There is a Gideon's army arising, and therefore there is a testing at the waters. I'm sure that you remember the story, but let's take a quick look at the method of testing:
...And the LORD said to Gideon, "Everyone who laps from the water with his tongue, as a dog laps, you shall set apart by himself; likewise everyone who gets down on his knees to drink." And the number of those who lapped, putting their hand to their mouth, was three hundred men; but all the rest of the people got down on their knees to drink water. Then the LORD said to Gideon, "By the three hundred men who lapped I will save you, and deliver the Midianites into your hand..."—Judges 7:5-7
I have always wondered about God's methods as He weeded Gideon's army. After much study and asking God concerning this, I have realized that the men who did not pass the testing at the waters knelt down, and also looked down at the waters. They were concerned as to what was immediately before their eyes and were somewhat self-centered and self-absorbed. Remaining concerned with our immediate and present situations with no concern for the future will link us to our past. We have to remain positioned properly and develop supernatural vision which is linked to a hope for our future.
Those who cupped their hands and lapped the water were able to see the enemy from afar. The cupping of hands is symbolic of being able to hold onto the Word of God which is the Living Water. There needs to be a daily washing of His Word in order to fully see in this season. Gideon's chosen army was not concerned with just their personal provision, but they were also alert and on guard, watching out for the others. Their vision was larger; they saw into possibilities concerning their future. This is a perfect example of being empowered with a new level of supernatural vision and always being positioned to give assistance to others when needed.
I am also reminded of David who used His keys to unlock a particular door. The door he opened was a door which blocked intimacy with God because of legalism. Do you remember the story of when David forbade the law concerning eating the showbread? Well, the law stated that only the priests could partake of the "holy bread." Yet David knew through his intimacy with God that he was sanctified and could partake of it. David understood that the law was made for man; man was not made for the law! This is another use of the key. We are not to be bound up with an old legalistic system.
When Jesus was addressing the spirit of legalism, He commended David for his actions (see Matthew 12:3-5). Jesus is commending those of us who know who we are in God and are not afraid of seeing through seemingly closed doors and using our keys of faith to go through the narrow places which are attempting to block our future!
The Woman With the Issue of Blood
Let me remind you again that I am attempting to guide you into developing supernatural vision. Remember the woman with the issue of blood? The reason she pressed to touch the hem of Jesus' garment was out of her desperation for healing and knowing that God would heal her; thus, she was able to supernaturally see her victory. Sometimes God will allow desperation to empower us to press further than ever before. If you are in a desperate situation, it is a perfect opportunity to develop supernatural vision.
I believe that our greatest victories lie ahead of us. It is a season when we can press into God on a daily basis, hear His voice, and see with the eyes of Holy Spirit. Every day deserves a fresh start with the Lord. Don't you agree? Be encouraged. God is always faithful—no matter what it looks like in the natural.
My prayer for you: Father, I pray that Your children begin to develop supernatural eyesight that comes from walking daily with You. I pray that Holy Spirit manifests in a tangible way to each person and that He guides Your precious ones into all truth. Father, just as Saul had the scales of his eyes removed so that he could see, I pray that the scales of our eyes are also removed. As Elisha prayed for his servant to see that there were more that were for them than were against them, I pray for each person to see with that same supernatural vision. I ask that You empower us for our future and great victory. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Sandie Freed
Zion Ministries
Email: zionministries1@sbcglobal.net
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