John Belt:
"Living in the Good Report:
God is Good!"
Jesus only has good to give out to those who are His. Phillip asked Jesus, "Show us the Father and we will be satisfied." He told Phillip, "When you have seen Me you have seen the Father."
God is good. And it is only by having a revelation of His goodness and the good He intends for us that we can walk in the fullness of our destiny.
Believe the Good Report
The father of lies is sent out ahead of the pack to deceive and draw people into alignment with lies. Lies sound convincing many times until the pure truth is revealed.
Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom.—Psalm 51:6
Many times lies are twisted stories that embellish the evil report to make things look worse than they actually are. The goal of the enemy has always been to make mountains out of molehills. Lies foster doubt and unbelief and negate the grace of God. Unbelief is connected to a life lived in religiosity.
Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, My soul shall have no pleasure in him.—Hebrews 10:38
Faith is embedded in a heart that's eyes are completely locked into the words and Presence of God. The time old truth is that God allows opportunities for both the good report and bad report. The test is the response to these reports. God always has a good report. There is always hope on this side of Heaven. Why? God is still on the Throne. It is like the movie you see where things are taken down to the wire and defeat seems inevitable, then victory against impossible odds is realized.
The Better Story
The better story is when Jesus comes in on the heels of the accuser and reveals the grace of God for people, washing their slate clean, leaving no place of accusation for the accuser. Those who have come in alignment with the spirit of accusation are cast down in their own lives. We have an admonition to choose life, speaking life daily, coming into alignment with the heart of God.
And I heard a loud voice saying in Heaven, "Now is come salvation, and strength, and the Kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night."—Revelation 12:10
The grace of God qualifies us, not anything that we can do for ourselves. It is about what He has done and our continual abiding in Him with faithful dedication to His words. Our faithfulness to God is the hallmark of those He uses for His purposes. The potential for disqualifying is when a critical spirit, gossip and faultfinding are found. The pointing finger will put people in detention hall. Thankfully, because of God's grace, He will not kick people out of school because we are all still learning. But the process of maturity, growth and promotion is delayed because of compromise to religious criticism.
An Expectation of Good
The best possible state of being is to have a heart of prayer filled with love, grace and the goodness of God. A positive expectation of good is pleasing to God. Believe that God will actually do something good. God is good. He is working His purposes in us to bring about His glory in the earth. He wants to break through the shell of our soulishness that keeps people from seeing His goodness.
For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly. O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee.—Psalm 84:11-12
Welcome the Holy Spirit, wear the garment of praise and engage spiritual eyes with Heaven's glory. It is a gift to see the glory of God in the simple things of life. We should not be looking for God in what is grand and glorious in the eyes of man, the measures of the carnal mind, but rather in the basic things of life. We cannot afford to get caught up in the "big show" and "performance mindset." Jesus can walk right in front of people who think like this and they won't see Him. God will take on forms that will offend our natural mind as a test to see if we will lay down our natural thinking or previous forms we have recognized Him in—to see Him in the different way He will come.
Eyes That Can See
I recently had a vision where I was part of a large crowd and God was breaking out among the crowd without any man on the stage. But a lady got up on the stage and began to sing, "Little Jesus boy, I didn't know it was You..." This is speaking of the form of the Lord that many did not recognize in the day when the Messiah came as a little baby, a child in a barn. In every generation God comes in a way that the natural mind cannot comprehend or recognize. God will come again in a form that many will be offended by, will not recognize, and many will realize later that it actually was the Lord and they missed it.
It is very important that we don't compromise with the religious spirit. We don't commune with that thing and compromise our spiritual lives to it. Our communion is with the Holy Spirit and those who have a corresponding hunger for Him. If we get to a point that we no longer recognize the Holy Spirit's Presence but rather a religious form, we have lost our intimate connection with Him.
There will be another healing wave of God's glory poured out very soon. We must have eyes to see and not allow the offenses of the past or boxed religious thinking to hinder our ability to see Jesus in the midst of it. Ask the Lord for eyes that see and recognize Him, as He will come in a form that many may not recognize or receive.
But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.—Matthew 13:16
For His Glory!
John Belt
Live In His Presence Ministries
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