Catherine Brown:
Surrender, Sacrifice and Selflessness Releases the Light of His Glory
The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory—the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.—John 1:14
Whilst seeking the Lord in prayer I had a vision of Jesus in which I saw Him release a star-like cluster of light from His right hand. The revelatory experience revealed Christ in the heavenly places, and from this vantage point I was enabled to see the effect of the light of Christ as it exploded with such power and beauty on earth. The light was like a shooting star, rocketing through the sky as it headed towards earth.
I asked Jesus, "What is this, Lord?"
He replied, "Child, this is the light of My glory."
I saw the glory of the Lord touch earth and explode in various nations, including much of South America and Africa. To my dismay, Europe still seemed very dark, nonetheless, my heart ached to ask another question and I enquired, "Lord, what releases the light of Your glory?"
Jesus answered me, "Surrender, sacrifice and selflessness."
Here's a prophetic word of the Lord that He gave me:
"It is My desire that My children are with Me in My glory (John 17:24). There is no demand upon you to enter into My glory realm, for it comes to you by way of covenant invitation. No man may glory in My presence, yet all men who surrender to My glory may partake of the blessings that flow to those who dwell in the place of communion in Me.
"My glory is power and My power must rest within the heart that is surrendered to My lordship or the heart will be corrupted by the temptation of pride. I desire to pour out new levels of My power upon My people; each new wave of My glory is preceded by a deeper place of surrender to Me.
"The mind of man must accede to the rulership of the King of Kings. The flesh of man must embrace afresh what Calvary purchased to release new resurrection life, sanctified by My Blood sacrifice. The heart of man must become again an altar of simple faith upon which I may build My Kingdom by grace and glory."
"In humility My glory came to earth. Sacrificial love and righteousness are the foundations upon which My holiness and glory stand. As I am in the Father and the Father in Me, so I call My Church to enter into the reality of My glory covering. I will overshadow you in My glory, so that you may experience the fullness of holy intimacy with Me. My beloved Bride will be beautified in My glory."
"I came among you as One who serves. I am still among you as One who serves, and I call My Church to selfless worship, witness and works. Beloved of God, if you would lay down your expectations of self, and centre yourself in Me, I will fulfill the God-given desires of your heart. Cross over into a fresh dispensation of My grace and allow My glory to rest upon you by faith. Walk in reverential fear before Me and I will permit you to embrace this fresh outpouring and revelation of My glory."
An Invitation from Jesus
"Come all who are weary; My glory will refresh you. Come all who are wounded; My glory will heal you. Come all who are thirsty; My glory is life-giving water to you. Come all who are hungry for more of Me, for My glory will fill you, sustain you and flow through you to reach the multitudes.
"Let not your hearts be troubled, trust in God, trust in Me. My glory will empower My Church for the season that lies ahead. My glory consumes the darkness and delivers My people from every enemy oppression and bondage into My Father's Kingdom.
"In glory the world was created. In glory you were called forth and in glory you will follow and serve Me, and I will be with you even unto the ends of the age. My glory will never fail you and My glory will fill the whole earth in salvations, miracles, signs and wonders. I am pouring out My radiant glory upon My Bride."
God bless each one of you precious saints this Christmas and may we experience the fullness of God's glory as we serve Christ with every part of who we are.
To Him be all glory forever and ever! Amen.
Catherine Brown
Gatekeepers Global Ministries
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