Paul Keith Davis:
"A Vision of the Coming Days"
n July 31, 2008 while in Red Deer, Alberta Canada for a conference, the Lord took me into a very interesting and enlightening revelatory experience. It was approximately 3 o'clock in the afternoon after spending considerable time in preparation for the evening service. My subject was one that I had been diligently studying for several months involving the Lord's admonition saying:
"For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be."—Matthew 24:37-39
The Lord spoke to me clearly saying, "It would behoove you to understand as much as possible concerning the days of Noah; what overcame Noah's day, your generation must overcome." As a result of that charge I have been consumed with passion to fully understand Genesis 6 and its relationship to the days ahead.
While sitting on the couch in my hotel room in Red Deer, I was contemplating the Biblical implications of Genesis 6 in relationship to our day when suddenly I went into a revelatory encounter. I found myself in the Spirit standing in an evangelistic crusade being conducted on a football field. My first observation involved the people riveted to a message that was being preached from a podium on the field. I then clearly recognized the voice of the was the great Billy Graham preaching the Cross of Jesus Christ as only he could.
I was able to recognize the people's attire resembled that from the 1960s. I could hear Dr. Graham presenting his anointed message from the four spiritual laws as complete silence filled the auditorium with the exception of his voice. Then I could hear the song "Just As I Am" being played as hundreds responded to his invitation and began quietly and orderly making their way to the altar.
Then a Voice spoke in the vision saying, "What is coming will not be like this!" With that statement I knew the coming revival would clearly have a strong evangelistic anointing like I heard from Dr. Graham, but also of a different nature that facilitated a compelling demonstration of the Spirit's power producing reverential awe and conviction according to 1 Thessalonians 1:5 saying:
"For our Gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction; just as you know what kind of men we proved to be among you for your sake."
With that statement I found myself standing in a large auditorium with a considerable altar area filled with the sick and afflicted on cots, gurneys and wheelchairs. To my amazement the entire altar was filled with the sick on a scale I have only seen in pictures from past revivals. To my right I noticed a man lying on a cot whose bones were twisted like pretzels. Further to the right, another man was seated in a wheelchair with his legs elevated and his feet curled under by a hideous bone disease. Beside him a man was lying on a gurney with a large tumor protruding from his abdomen.
I actually felt encouragement from this scene derived from the faith that permeated the atmosphere. These people were here because of the expectation and anticipation of God's Presence to heal and deliver. Suddenly with that realization, the double doors of the sanctuary burst open and a family of approximately ten people came through the doors escorting what appeared to be a young teenage girl that was clearly demonized. I watched as she was screaming, cursing and throwing grown men around like rag dolls.
Then one of the men in the family spoke with a very demanding tone saying, "Somebody had better be here that can deal with this." With that statement I could sense the family's desperation for God's intervention. They had tried every other alternative possible with no success. Only the power and authority of Christ could help this family.
As the family made their way up the aisle I walked towards them with the profound awareness that there was no time to call for a host of intercessors nor was there time to pray and fast. It was like a Mount Carmel showdown between light and darkness requiring that we call upon God's grace and manifest Presence resident in us to meet this incredible need. I was immediately reminded of the Lord's confrontation with the demoniac of Gadara. I was also thoroughly convinced that a mere spiritual gift, as wonderful as spiritual gifts may be, was not sufficient to overcome this level of darkness. It required "Christ in me, the hope of glory."
As I walked toward the family my spiritual eyes were opened in the experience and I could see an evil being occupying this young girl that seemed to be approximately 12 feet tall. It was then I remembered my study concerning Genesis 6 and the Lord's admonition that the day of His coming would be just as it was in the days of Noah. I knew that I was dealing with a being in the spiritual realm that had its origin in Genesis 6. What overcame Noah's day in the natural, we must overcome in the Spirit!
Suddenly, a realm of authority rose up within me that I knew transcended present understanding of spiritual authority. Out of my mouth the words, "Be gone," proceeded with great power and authority. As quickly as the words were spoken the spirit left the young girl. Of course, I realize this was a teaching experience to illustrate the authority we must aspire to and demonstrate in this generation to meet the great demands and level of darkness that will define the final days before the Lord's return. It is the realm of Christ's authority that the Bride must come to know in fullness in order to gather the great harvest.
As soon as the evil being left the young girl, the entire family came under the spirit of conviction and gave their lives to the Lord. Then I heard the Voice speaking again saying, "What has previously been relegated to India and Africa is coming to America and somebody had better get authority with Me and in a hurry."
I knew that I had seen a spiritual confrontation that is commonplace with ministry in Africa and India. Some form of restraining force has been removed from our country that has sheltered us from this realm and dimension of spiritual darkness on a broad basis. It has been seen in isolated areas and circumstance but not as widespread as we are about to witness. We must prepare now to meet this incredible challenge. This level of hostile opposition will require the Lord's Bride to enter a level of maturity belonging to "the fullness of Christ" and absolute demonstration of the Lord's victory over death, hell and the grave. The apostle Paul admonished us saying:
"And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the Body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ."—Ephesians 4:11-13
I believe with that admonition we will also see greater expressions of the spirit of revival that will be of a different nature than outpourings of the past. We have been ardently contending for mantles of revelation and power that were demonstrated in prior generations to be mingled with the fresh and unprecedented. Even though the Lord promised Joshua that He would be with him as He was with Moses, the ministry of Joshua had little resemblance to that of Moses. Likewise, though we may carry the same spirit of revelation and power that rested upon prior champions, the model of ministry will be considerably different.
Interestingly, shortly after this experience Wanda and I had the privilege of ministering in a conference alongside Heidi Baker. I took the opportunity to convey this revelation to her and asked her to share some of the confrontations with deep realms of darkness that she has personally experienced as a missionary in Mozambique, Africa. Without a moment's hesitation she recounted several encounters with evil beings and people given over to them that most Christians in the West couldn't fathom nor are prepared to deal with.
Even so, the Lord is opening the door of opportunity for us to pay the price as the early apostles did in order to carry this level of spiritual authority and dominion. Clearly the Bible foretells this as part of the last day's ministry. The book of Revelation outlines a period of time in which the enemy is cast down to the Earth with great wrath and anger. Likewise, at that time a voice will be heard in Heaven with a promise to the Lord's people that:
"Now the salvation, and the power, and the Kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, he who accuses them before our God day and night. And they overcame him because of the Blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death."—Revelation 12:10-11
This confrontation is imminent. Since I have been bringing this message we have already noticed numerous accounts in the US media of darkness and spiritual violence that is staggering to the imagination. The prophet clearly admonished us saying:
"Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you. For behold, darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples; but the LORD will rise upon you and His glory will appear upon you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising."—Isaiah 60:1-3
A Prophecy From 1965
On February 26-28, 2009, WhiteDove Ministries hosted one of our most outstanding conferences in recent memory. Our guests Chuck Pierce and Steven Shelley brought incredibly prophetic and relevant messages, not only for the Tucson region, but also for this present time in Church history.
On the final day of our conference I was pleasantly surprised by a guest who the Lord sent to be a part of our last service. His name is "Buford Dowell" from Phoenix Arizona. I heard his name mentioned during the Lakeland revival and remembered the mention of a prophecy but knew little else. It was a great pleasure getting to know brother Dowell and hearing his experiences with some of the great healing revivalists of the prior generation.
Most interestingly, he shared with me a conversation that he had with William Branham in June of 1965. Buford Dowell had played the organ for Brother Branham in a healing meeting in Phoenix, and asked Buford to join him for lunch that afternoon. What transpired resulted in a fantastic prophecy that I wholeheartedly believe.
The following is an edited transcript of Buford Dowell sharing in our conference his testimony and the encounter with William Branham in June of 1965. I pray and trust it will be a source of great blessing and encouragement.
Transcription from Paul Keith Davis and Brother Buford Dowell, spoken in Tucson, AZ at February 28, 2009 conference:
Paul Keith Davis speaking: We currently have "Joshuas and Calebs" in our midst; people that saw things with their own eyes in the prior generation. I like to look someone in the eye when they share a testimony or tell a story of the miraculous; I want to watch their eyes and I want to hear their voice. I want to know what they saw is truth; you can discern it. A Christian can discern truth from error. So I shared all of that to just set the stage. I am not going to speak tonight, but I want to share an unexpected blessing I received today.
I met a man by the name of Buford Dowell this afternoon. I had heard his name before, and I had heard that he had a prophecy involving William Branham. I found out today, I didn't know this, but in 1965 in this very room he played the organ for William Branham's meetings.
Isn't it amazing that God would send him here for us tonight? A Joshua or a Caleb, I don't know which; it doesn't really matter. Both of them went in and obtained the inheritance.
He was telling me about a day when he had lunch with William Branham. And Brother Branham prophesied to him pretty much what you and I are about to move into in our generation. So I asked Brother Buford, if he wouldn't mind sharing that testimony. Would you like to hear it? Yes. Please welcome Buford Dowell!
Buford Dowell speaking: Would somebody repeat after me, my favorite Scripture? "For this purpose the Son of God was being manifest, that He might destroy the works of the devil." Guess who He is going to use to do it?
William Branham isn't here. I still feel him here. Maybe he's part of that cloud of witnesses, looking in on us. That is something bigger than me. He's not here. A.A. Allen is not here. His son, Paul Allen is sitting on the front row...I love him to death. We've grown up together. Between him and me, and a couple of seats over, Paul Hammond, we've been all over the world and preached in more tents than Carter's got liver pills.
We've seen the good, the bad and the ugly. I like the good a whole lot better. If Brother Branham was here, if Brother Allen was here or Jack Coe, who laid his giant hands on my little bitty hands when I was around 13 and prayed a big fancy prayer, said, "Jesus, teach Buford how to play the organ. Amen." I went and sat down. And I thought in my heart at the time, "Lord, he could have prayed a little longer."
But then all of a sudden I remembered like it was yesterday, those are the same hands that I saw reach up and take that cancer on that lady's face and pull it off. I almost fainted when I saw that. There was nothing left but a pink dot. And I thought, "That's the same hands that took that man whose back was all hunch-backed." He looked like the hunchback of Notre Dame. Brother Coe was a big man, and he put his knee on his back and pulled back on his shoulders and screamed, "Jesus." Then the man went out screaming and I knew he'd killed him. I knew he was hurt or wounded. I was sitting by the organ. I couldn't play the organ then. I was sitting by the organ, dreaming.
Anybody got a dream in this place? Don't quit dreaming. God will have somebody lay their hands on you; you will wake up the next day and your dream will become true.
I sat up there and almost fainted when Jack Coe pulled back on that man's shoulders. The man let out a scream that I misinterpreted. And I began to have a suspicion he was hurt. And the man took off running around the building. And when he came back, his back was as straight as mine is because he was healed. And then it hit me, "I'm going to play the organ."
You see, that was important to me, because I had taken three weeks of piano lessons, and a little 16-year-old concert piano concerto pianist who played like Liberace tried to teach me. And the third week he gave me my second false prophecy. He grabbed the music book, threw it on the floor and said, "You'll never play anything but the radio." Well, that was good for my confidence.
Well, I turned my radio on, ten years of age at the time; I turned my radio on and listened to A.A. Allen on the radio. I listened to Jack Coe, and some other preachers. I got saved every time. My God, they'd preach it; I could hardly stand it. I could almost smell the smoke. If the walls of this building could talk they would testify of the miraculous that occurred in this room when I played the organ for William Branham in 1965. I also played for him in Phoenix at the Ramada Inn, and if those walls could talk.
I'm going to tell you what he told me just a few months before the Lord took him home. Today as I was leaving Phoenix to come down here, I took an associate to the airport and I had to drive down Van Beuren in Phoenix. Some of you know where it's at. And I saw the place where there used to be an old cafeteria. And on the last Sunday afternoon of the crusade in Phoenix in 1965, Brother Branham walked over to the organ after the service and he said, "Son, would you like to go for lunch with me?" I had seen him many times in different places and was privileged to be with him on occasion. But that was a joy, and my heart almost jumped out of my chest. "Oh yes, Brother Branham I'd love to have lunch." I was 19 years of age at the time.
I got off the organ. We went and got into his car and we drove over to this little cafeteria. When we got out of the car he said, "Come here, I want to show you something." He gets the key to the trunk and he opens it up and to my shock he's got a gun case in there. It was a hunting rifle. It was a 30/30 Winchester. He took it out and handed it to me, "The Winchester Company just mailed this to me," he said. It had his name engraved in gold on the bottom, "Brother William Branham."
I felt like I was almost tucked into the Ark of the Covenant. I didn't know how to shoot it, but I knew it was special. I knew he liked to go deer hunting once in a while. I had some minister friends who liked to go hunting with him. I said, "Brother Branham, I heard about those times that you would like to go hunting. Brother so-and-so and Brother so-and-so went with you." He confirmed that was true.
Anyway, we went on in the restaurant. And here's what I'm supposed to be telling. We went on in the restaurant, got our food, and we sat down. I'm ashamed to say this, but can I just tell it like it was. I'm just going to tell the truth. I had in my mind back then that if Brother Branham hired me for an advance man, why I could really help him have big crusades or so I thought. Now, of course, that was my carnal brain. I had helped a few preachers put some ads in the paper and I had thought I had the answers for the preachers' advertisements.
But Brother Branham, he was sitting there and I said, "Brother Branham, you know you're only in your 50's. You've got plenty of energy. If you just had the right promotion you could have the biggest crusades you've ever had." He looked at me and smiled and dropped his head. He said, "No son," he said, "You see, that's not the way God planned it."
That wasn't really what I wanted to hear, but how do you tell William Branham something you didn't want to hear? He was speaking for God and I was listening with my old carnal brain. I said, "What do you mean, Brother Branham?" He said, "Well, you see, God's through with me." And I almost fell off my seat. I said, "What do you mean about that? You've got plenty of years left?" He said, "Well, my season has come to a close."
He went on to explain how he had been part of a great season of healing revivals. He mentioned all the voice of healing preachers, many of them. He mentioned Brother Allen and others. He had been in some of my father's meetings, and he was kind to mention that. Dad had a great Holy Ghost anointing. Dad and my mother could get more people through the baptism than Elvis Presley could get in his concert. Sometimes 1500 people could get the baptism, because they had a love to see people get the Holy Ghost.
We need a fresh infilling and baptism into the Holy Spirit. I'm not just talking about tongues, that's wonderful; we're going to have to learn to walk in the Spirit to get the job done in this hour.
Brother Branham said, "I've been in this season where we laid hands on people one at a time and we saw blind eyes open, cancers disappear, the lame walk. And oh, it was wonderful." But he said, "I am about to leave you because God is done with me but another season is coming. And this season is going to be teaching and revelation of the Word of Jesus Christ; who we are in Him and who He is in us." Not just Jesus hanging on the Cross. That's wonderful. But religion will leave Him on the Cross.
Brother Branham went on to emphasize, "It's about Jesus in us and us in Him." And he said, "This teaching season will go for a while, and then it will come to a close. And God is going to take every move of God in history, and even what we witnessed and what we saw in Bible days, and put it all together in one great Holy Ghost bomb and drop it on Planet Earth and the nations will rock and reel with the power of God like we've never seen."
On Prime Time News—not the late night talk/gab shows, not the preachers, the Prime Time News—will show the dead being raised and limbs created and eyes being put back in eye sockets and arms stretching out. And preachers won't lay their hands on them like we did; they will simply speak the word and blindness will leave. There'll be so many people, no auditorium, no church and no arena will hold the people. And no tent.
He said, "They'll even stand in an open field. It's going to happen in America." Brother Branham said, "God is going to bring the ministry of the apostles and the prophets to the forefront."
How many of you can remember when you never heard the word "apostle or prophet" in your churches? All we heard was pastors and teachers and evangelists because they'd been pushed in the background. Jesus said (I didn't say it, William Branham didn't say it); Jesus said that His Church would be founded on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Jesus Christ the Head. The fivefold ministry functioning in the Body of Christ!
God's bringing them forth, into the forefront. But Branham said to me, "They will have the mind of God and the heart of God and the Voice of God. And when they speak, their words will become the Words of God." They won't say what man says. They won't say what denominations say or tradition or any of that. They will speak as the oracle of God. And they won't just speak about the future. Anybody that reads the Bible can do that. You don't even have to have the Holy Ghost to talk about the future.
We've got a lot of people running around calling themselves prophets. But simply calling yourself a prophet doesn't necessarily make you a prophet. When this group emerges, they will speak as the oracle of God and whatever they say, God will create it because it will be His time, His will and His Word. And it won't be about the ministers, it will be about Him.
If I learned anything traveling with these precious men of God from the past, whom I love very much and could tell countless testimonies of miracles and deliverance, but the greatest miracle of all is the miracle of millions of people coming to Jesus. I got to sit right here in this room and play the organ in 1965 and watch them come to Jesus. I saw people come and get saved. I could see the conviction of God on them; the Holy Ghost changed their lives right in front of me.
One time in Brother Allen's meeting, I got off the organ and I told the associate, "I've got to go pray." I went to my room and I stayed in my room for three days and got saved all over again because people were getting more than I was getting. I sat on the organ so long, I had backslid. I'm just being honest with you. The greatest place to lose your walk with God is sitting in the church somewhere, with your mind tied up and tangled up in religion and stuff, and all these do's and don'ts. But if you want to know Jesus, He is here.
Oral Roberts laid his hands on my hands when I was ten years old. I had no idea what he was doing. He said, "Jesus, bless this boy. Let him take Your healing power to the nations." I didn't want to go nowhere. I was comfortable at home. I had my bicycle and Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, and a black and white TV set. What else could a boy want?
God put the desire in my heart to sit on that organ. I saw the power of God so much in those crusades till I couldn't sit there. I'd go to the hotel and motel, and I'd dream at night, and I'd be preaching and praying for the sick in my dreams.
Finally, I took $8,000—that's all I had. Went to Nassau, Bahamas and rented a ballpark. I put money on advertising and shipped a little half pint organ—a little Spinet and put a microphone on it so they could hear it. Nine thousand people showed up and I didn't know what to do with them.
I just played the organ and sang and testified. And when I ran out, I started all over again. And they got to singing, praising God with me. And in a few nights the crowd was getting bigger. When it was raining, they wouldn't go home. I was soaking wet, so were they. But we just kept having church. Anyway, to make a long story short, I wound up going all over the world in missionary crusades because somebody took the time to bless me and say, "Let him take your healing power to the nations."
I believe God's going to do it. I believe God's going to do it. Here's the bottom line. All of it, past, present, future is not about men. They're just men. It's all about Jesus.
When Brother Allen went to be with the Lord, I raced across America to get there in time for the funeral at Miracle Valley. And I didn't make it. I got somewhere down there and I missed the funeral. And I was weeping and I said, "God, I didn't want to miss that funeral. He was such a blessing to me." And God said, "It wasn't about him, it was about My deposit that I put in him." He said, "Son, you can have the same."
T. L. Osborne said, "William Branham was raised up to show the Body of Christ that we can do what Jesus did." It wasn't just about his message, it was all about Jesus. You can lay your hands on the sick and God will heal them.
God spoke to me on the way to this service. God said, "I'm tired of you just praying for people to be healed. Pray for them that they'd open their heart and let Me move in and bring My healing with Me. And it'll flow through them to somebody else that's sick, and it will flow through that person to somebody else that's sick." From Paul it will flow through to another person. Don't you want to be used of God? God wants every person in this place to be a channel. Give Him a handclap.
Paul Keith Davis speaking: If you believe that say, "That's nothing but the truth. Nothing but the truth. I believe it." You can look into his eyes. Do you believe it? That man, this brother, was with William Branham only to promote his ministry. Brother Branham said, "That's not going to happen. My life is coming to an end."
He told me over here earlier today, "That was six months before Brother Branham died in 1965." Just before William Branham left he said, "Something is coming." It's about a Body of people, walking with God, becoming the habitation of Him. It's not just about miracles, but it's about God in us. We are about to encounter great realms of darkness. If we don't get that level of the Lord in us, we're not going to be able to meet the needs of our generation. That's it.
He said, "Every mantle, every anointing, every commissioning that has existed will be dumped into our day." And we've been through this qualification process. It's not about how much we have done or what we have performed, but instead it's about—how emptied are you? How much have you pulled back your breastbone to allow God to extract the tares of our soul?
I couldn't have preached a message any better than what he just preached. I want this man of God to release into us what he has seen and carried, and begin to walk it. We're going to pray for you still, but I want this to be released. And we're going to pray for him. Would you do that?
Buford Dowell speaking: If you went to the doctor and he examined you and he gives you a prescription, most of you would go to the drugstore and get the prescription. Well I've got a Holy Ghost prescription. There's a book laying back there. Have you got them with you? "The Price of God's Miracle Working Power…" Perhaps one of the most powerful books A.A. Allen wrote. If you've got it, you can give it. I've got healing power in my hands, just like this brother.
Jack Coe laid his hands on me and God taught me how to play the organ. Now everybody's not going to be an organist here, but if you've got a desire, the Lord will give you a gift, a talent. Maybe it's to play the piano, the guitar, or sing, or write poetry, or just a gift. I want to impart the spirit of gift. The Bible said, "Every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord."
I don't play the organ because I was born with talent, I couldn't even play the radio without getting stuck. A man of God imparted that anointing into my hands and I started doing what I couldn't do before within four weeks. I was playing in Dallas at his church. And within two months I was playing before ten to twenty thousand people in worship. And I didn't even know how to play but two keys.
We're going to pray, and it's not because of how great we are but because of how great He is. And I pray to God that you'll never look at another national evangelist on TV without seeing Jesus. If you don't see Jesus, you've missed it. If you see all the sizzle and all the glamour and the gold and whatever, you've missed what God wants you to see. When you leave this meeting and you haven't had an encounter with Jesus, you've missed what this is all about. Am I right?
Father, on Your Word, Brother Branham preached this Word and You confirmed it with signs and wonders and miracles.
And T.L. Osborne was sitting in the audience and never had a miracle. And he went home and said "God, if You can do it for that humble man, You can do it for me." And he got on a plane; he and Daisy went to India. And that was the beginning of one of the greatest evangelistic ministries this planet ever saw.
Father, if You can do it for them, You can do it again; and You've given me something, and I'm giving You all the honor.
Now in Jesus' name, these men join with me, and we transfer our anointing. We transfer our gifting into this congregation. If you'll open your heart right now, Jesus will walk right into it and bring everything that you want with Him. Hallelujah. Open up, open up, open up in Jesus' name. Come on in, Lord Jesus. Say it again. Come on in. Bring everything I need to do the work. Your life will never be the same. Amen
Paul Keith and Wanda Davis
WhiteDove Ministries