Monday, November 1, 2010

Three Visions by Maurice Sklar

Visions from the Dallas, TX Revival (May-June, 1985)


Jan 17 2006 07:57PM

Dear Friends,

These are the visions I received from the Holy Spirit during the Dallas, TX revival in the summer of 1985.

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

Over twenty years ago, I attended a revival meeting in Dallas, Texas and during that meeting in May - June of 1985 the Lord touched my life in a powerful way during several days while I was sitting in the Days Inn motel room. I had a visitation from the Holy Spirit that included visions about God’s judgment upon America, the nations of the world, Babylon, the ministry of Elijah, and the preparation of the Bride of Our Messiah, Yeshua. I would like to share these now with the Body of Messiah, for God has finally released me to do so at this time.

In the first vision, I saw the earth from outer space. As I watched, I began to see what looked light neon lights began to appear in hexagon patterns. It started from the North American continent and then spread out to Europe and then around the world. The closest way I can describe it is that it looked like white laser lights that were traced in approximately 100 mile-wide hexagon patterns around the entire earth like an electronic or laser spider web. When the lights finally stopped tracing around the earth, it looked like the earth was wrapped in an electronic grid like a geodesic dome, similar to the white globe that is at the Epcot Center in Disneyworld, only it was not solid. You could see the earth underneath it, with its’ blue oceans and clouds and atmosphere.

The Lord then said to me, “This is what is shortly to take place. There is an electronic web that will encircle the earth like this. It will unite the whole world under the antichrist system of the end-time Babylon. At first it will bring great blessings and prosperity. It will seem like everyone is coming together and a new age is dawning for mankind.” I looked again, and I saw the earth from space with this electronic web around it once more. But then, I saw the continent of Europe. The hexagons from each nation began to grow dark and became opaque. It looked like black smoke rose up and one after another, each hexagon began to go smoky gray and then black. After a few seconds, I could no longer see Europe at all. Then this began to spread rapidly across into Asia, and Africa. Finally, Australia, China and even America were completely blotted out. I could only see the oceans. Then the islands of the seas became black. Finally, the entire earth was in darkness – even the blue oceans disappeared. I felt such evil and hopelessness. I heard the cries of millions of souls on earth that were trapped in darkness.

Then the Lord spoke again and said, “Do you see this? Do you know what this is?” I replied, “No, Lord.” He said, “This is the fullness of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This is what Adam chose for all of mankind in the garden of Eden instead of union and life with Me. They could have had eaten from the tree of life instead, and this never would have happened. ”

I was so confused. I really didn’t understand at the time. You have to remember, the “world wide web” of the internet was just in its’ infancy back in 1985. Only a few thousand computer geeks were “online”. I couldn’t imagine the world as it is now back then. The PC had just started to enter into the private sector. Of course, now, looking back, I understand this vision perfectly. God told Daniel that in the last days knowledge would increase exponentially and many would travel back and forth as never before in the history of mankind. If there is one thing that marks our generation now, it would be these two things. Worldwide travel has never been faster or easier and the knowledge of mankind is doubling every few weeks. Like a snowball going down a mountain and getter bigger and bigger as it travels faster and faster, knowledge is exploding like never before. What knowledge? The knowledge of both good and evil. It is now wrapped all around mankind like a giant tree with its’ branches going everywhere. We cannot escape from it.

The Vision of the Six Babylons

In the second vision, I saw America from the outer atmosphere. In a spectacular panorama, I saw America in a glorious sweep from coast to coast and from north to south. I felt like I was flying at supersonic speed like a rocket or a missile just several hundred feet above ground. It was so majestic and beautiful! I saw the big major cities of the east coast with their tall sky scrapers, the mid-west with its’ miles of lush farm land, crossing the mighty Mississippi, and then the great plains and the prairie lands of the west, followed by the awesome Grand Canyon, the majestic mountains of the Rockies, all the way to the west coast, the Golden Gate bridge, followed by a sweep of southern CA, and then to the Pacific ocean all the way from Alaska to Hawaii. Then, suddenly, I saw fire begin to hit in small pockets and different cities, almost like one of those cold-war nuclear war arcade games that came out years ago. That’s the way it looked to me as I watched. Then I saw more and more explosions. It got bigger and bigger, and then big giant explosions began to happen all at once. They all went up in mushroom clouds. For what seemed like an eternity, although I knew it was only a few minutes in the vision, I couldn’t see anything but these clouds of dark smoke. Then it finally cleared. I was stunned at what I saw! The entire land of the United States of America was burnt and charred. From one end to the other, there was not one green thing growing. It looked like black,charred, and burnt ruins from sea to shining sea. It was totally wiped out!

The Lord then said to me, “This is the end of Babylon. She shall be utterly consumed with fire.”

I said to the Lord, “Surely, this can’t be America. Why will you allow such a thing?” He said, “This shall be the end of all nations that forsake Me for the idols of Babylon. They shall be utterly burned with fire. They shall never be rebuilt again. Only in the time of My kingdom shall the nations be restored and then I shall create a new heavens and a new earth wherein dwells righteousness. When the time is right, I will allow you to release these visions to warn My people to flee from the wrath to come.”

“My son, there are six different Babylons in the scriptures. (Note: See my teaching “The Wine of Babylon”) If you do not accurately discern which I am speaking of, you will not understand what I revealed to the prophets. There are three literal, historic Babylons and there are three prophetic end time Babylons. Like King Nebuchadnezzar’s vision of the tree that covers the earth, so shall the entire earth be seduced by evil and deception under Satan’s power before My kingdom is established upon the earth.

The first Babylon is the city that was built and the first tower was erected in the book of Genesis in that ancient city in the plain of Shinar. I judged it and scattered the people by creating many new languages on the face of the earth. This is the destruction of the tower of Babel.

The second Babylon is the ancient kingdom of Nebudchadnezzar where My people Israel were first sent into exile. It too was destroyed and will never be rebuilt again, though some have tried.

The third Babylon is the geographic region of modern day Iraq/Iran/Persia. The day will come soon when it too will be completely destroyed by fire and never rebuilt again.

The fourth Babylon is rising now. I also call it the Kingdom of Tyre by My prophets in the ancient world. It is the end-time worldwide economic system that will enslave the world through commerce, trade, and unjust usury (interest). Money is the God that is chosen instead of Me and shall enslave all that will not bow their knee at My cross and surrender all for My Lordship and My kingdom.

The fifth Babylon is called “Mystery Babylon”. It is the deception of all false religions that will ultimately ensnare all under the spirit of antichrist who forsake Me. The foundations of Mystery Babylon started in the ancient pagan world, but the foundation built in the church age comes out of the replacement theology of the Roman church. It is ultimately the knowledge of the spiritual GOOD in man that shall be the ultimate deception. Man’s good works apart from Me shall never pay the price of the redemption of a soul. Only My blood can do that.

The sixth Babylon is found in the wealthy nations of the last days that forsake Me and turn to idols. It is all the geographic regions of those that are made rich through the economic system of these times. They are found in the islands of the sea, in the havens of great wealth and nations where these resources are stored. When My people are finally removed from these nations and islands, my judgment of fire shall consume them. Do not think that America shall be spared, for she has turned away from Me.

A part of this sixth Babylon is a city. It is described in the book of Revelation as the worldwide center for finances, trade, commerce, art, music and every fine and desirable thing of mankind. It is the new covenant city of Tyre. Mammon is its’ God. Satan’s economic throne is there. His pagan throne of human sacrifice is found in Calcutta, India. His false religious throne is built upon the seven hills of the Vatican in Rome. But the great city Babylon is New York City. Its god is money and riches. It shall be destroyed in one hour after My people – both Jewish and in the church - shall be removed out of her. What city is like THIS city? It also shall be burned with fire and never be rebuilt again. America will also be completely destroyed by fire, if it does not repent and turn back to Me, as I showed you in this vision

Visions of the End Time Ministry of Elijah

Then I saw a vision of the prophet Elijah. I saw his whole ministry flash in front of Me like a very fast film. Then I saw him anoint Elisha with a double portion and I watched all the miracles take place in Elisha’s ministry. Then suddenly, also in a very fast panoramic way, I saw John the Baptist’s ministry and heard his bold preaching in the wilderness. Then I saw Yeshua come to him and receive the miracle mantle from John the Baptist when the Holy Spirit came upon Him. Then I saw a very quick succession of those from the early church that carried this same mantle, only much smaller. I saw miracle ministries of many “saints” and holy men and women in the middle ages. I saw revival fires start first in Italy and then in France. Then they started in England, followed by eastern Europe and then I saw all of Germany lit from north to south with many fires during Luther’s reformation. This then swept throughout all of Europe and then was carried by ship into many nations. Then America was lit with this same glorious fire and blazed brightly for some time. Then I saw what I knew to be the Pentacostal outpouring and it hit in California and quickly spread thoughout the world. Then I heard a voice say, “This is the beginning of the latter rain that shall bring in the harvest of the nations. It shall last one hundred years. My glory shall cover the earth like the waters cover the sea. Many shall taste and see that I am good. They shall know My grace and blessings.”

Then suddenly, I saw one man with grey hair and a beard. He was on a ship going from England to America. I saw an angel come with a huge mantle and it came upon his shoulders. I heard a voice saying, “This is the mantle of Elijah for the harvest of the nations.” Then I saw this man preaching in the mid west in America in a large city and then in a smaller city. Miracles and healings burst forth from him. Then I heard him say, “The Lord has told me that I am Elijah to come”. After that, I saw a darkness overtake this man and soon that glorious light that was in him went out. Then I saw two angels come and remove that huge mantle and robe off of this man.

Then I saw a man on his knees crying out in despair. He was poor and was freezing in a little house and it was snowing like a blizzard outside. His wood stove finally went out and he huddled under a blanket trying to keep warm. Then I saw this same man standing at a grave site where I somehow knew that his wife and children were buried. He was crying until he couldn’t cry anymore. Then I saw that same man get up and start to preach in what looked like a small country church that was red brick. Then I saw him kneeling again in prayer in front of a large oak tree praying and he said, “Lord I give you my life. Do whatever you want with me.” Then I saw two angels come with that same huge mantle that was on that other man with the long cape. I knew that it was this same mantle of Elijah. They put it on him and he wept and wept. One of the angels said, “I will stay with him so that he can carry this. It is too heavy for him alone.” Then I saw this man suddenly light up like a flare and burn so brightly that wherever he went from then on throughout the earth, revival started everywhere. It came out of his mouth and just set everyone on fire. Then I saw this man one day say, “The Lord has told me that I am Elijah to come. I must now teach all that I know.” He opened his bible and as he did, I saw a snake rise up out of it. It looked like a green cobra. It began to speak instead of him. At first, it only appeared for a little while and would disappear. But then, it grew larger and larger and coiled around him. I could no longer see the blazing flare-like torch that he carried. I couldn’t even see the beautiful mantle on him. The angel could no longer stay, so another angel appeared and they lifted that mantle off of him and ascended into the sky.

Then I saw that electronic web again covering the earth like in the first vision. I heard a voice say, “Who will go for me to prepare the way for My coming?” Then I saw a number of young men and women who began to cry out in prayer. Then I saw hundreds of angels coming to the earth with mantles very similar to the one on the two men. They began to multiply until there were thousands of men and women clothed with these. They were lit up like small stars, they shone so brightly. Then I saw the earth begin to light up wherever they went like a Christmas tree.

Then I heard a voice say, “I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord. This is the fullness of the prophet’s ministry for the last days. It shall surely come.”

Then I saw a refining fire begin in both the church, in the Jewish people and in the nation of Israel. I saw a bride coming down the center of a church and I heard a voice say, “My bride has made herself ready. I am now coming for her to take her away. Come away, By Beloved.” Then I saw the earth again and I saw these same mantles falling back into the earth being carried by hundreds and thousands of angels. They fell upon many Jewish people and I saw them going forth and prophesying very boldly. Fire came out of their mouths and then I saw terrible destruction, plagues and earthquakes and famines and even more nuclear bombs going off. I saw the sun grow red from the pollution and radiation from the atmosphere. Then I saw all the mantles converging upon the nation of Israel from every corner of the earth. Suddenly they all came together in Jerusalem and came back into that same huge mantle that was there at the first.

I then saw a fiery red chariot come into the earth and descend upon Jerusalem. Elijah got out of it and I heard his booming voice say, “Prepare to meet thy God O earth, earth, earth! Woe unto you, for destruction is come upon you.” As he was saying this, that mantle came back upon him and he stood under it once again as he had done in the Bible. Everywhere he turned, fire came out of his mouth and destroyed the earth in twelve directions as it went through the twelve gates and out into the world. Then after this, I heard him say, “I am now finished with the work that I was ordained to do. Take me home, O Lord of hosts!” Then he was suddenly killed and fell down on the ground, where he remained for three days as the whole world watched in glee and awe. Then, he suddenly came to life again and stood up on his feet, and that fiery chariot came and he got into it and ascended into the sky.

I did not know the bible as well in those days as I do now. I was very confused about these visions and they were very troubling to me. But the Lord said to me, “This shall be sealed into your spirit until the appointed time. Then you shall release its message for all who will hear. Some will hear, many will not. You will be a part of many hundreds of prophets that I have set apart for the final hour to prepare the way for My coming. Those that have ears to hear will receive and My Bride will surely make herself ready. She must receive the refining fire of Elijah and her beautiful garments. She shall be without spot or wrinkle and be adorned with her wedding garments and glorious jewels from heaven. For her wedding day is soon upon her.”

Then I saw an old fashioned oil lamp that was lit with a flame coming out of the top of it. Then it suddenly became ten lamps that were lined up side by side. The five on the left of me suddenly started to flicker. The flame got smaller and smaller until finally it just fizzled and went out. But the lamps on the other side were fed by a lampstand that they were connected to that was previously hid in the darkness. They just burned brighter and brighter until finally I heard these words, “Come up here and escape the wrath to come, for you are found worthy. Behold, the bridegroom comes!” Then they all disappeared.

The Lord then said to me, “Half of those that say they know me in the time of the end are liars. They have never been lit with the fire from heaven. They are burning with the strange fires of Mystery Babylon. They only pretend to know Me. Their lamp shall be put out in outer darkness and there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. But those who are Mine shall shine forever and burn with the brightness of my glory as the stars. For they are lit from My throne and fed with my oil and shall never go out. These are My precious ones – My glorious Bride who shall always be true and faithful to Me. It is for her that I died and rose again. It is for her that I am returning in the midnight hour. Tell her that I have not forgotten her! She is My beloved and I am hers! I love her with an everlasting love. I shall surely catch her up to My throne where she will rule and reign with Me in glory forever and ever at My right hand. Amen.”

This is the account of the visions and visitation that I received in Dallas, Texas in the revival meetings during May and June of 1985, as best as I could write it. It is only now that I can share the fullness of those experiences because I have been released to do so by the Holy Spirit. May He add His blessing and anointing of fire to these words.

May you be found among His faithful, wise virgins when He appears in the midnight hour. May your lamp be shining brightly, being lit with the oil of the double portion of Elijah.

Shalom and God bless you now, Beloved!

Maurice Sklar

Thursday, October 21, 2010

God, Where are the Prophets?

The Importance of a Prophetic Ministry

By Bro.Zac Poonen, Bangalore, India

"If you leave God's paths and go astray (to the right or to the left), you will hear a Voice behind you say, `No, this is the way; walk here'" (Isa. 30:20,21 - Living). The Voice referred to here is the voice of the Holy Spirit Who alerts us when we go even slightly astray (to the right or to the left) from the straight and narrow path that leads to the throne of God. When we look at even the churches of believers today, we find that most of them have got into a rut - either to the right or to the left of the straight line of truth.

Consider just one example: Some groups over-emphasise the gifts of the Spirit and are imbalanced in one direction. Others over-emphasise the fruit of the Spirit and neglect the gifts altogether and are thus imbalanced the other way. Neither of these groups seems to be listening to the Voice that is trying to tell them to move to the left/right in order to get back to the centre. Each group has its own favourite verses from the Bible that they keep going back to again and again. They never seem to see other portions of Scripture that could make them balanced, because they are prejudiced against those verses. Very often their refusal to see those other verses is due to the fact that those other verses have been misused by the groups that have gone astray in the opposite direction. So their understanding of truth has come from a reaction to the extremes that other groups have gone to, and not from a careful study of all of God's Word.

The ministry of the prophets in the Old Testament was always to point out where Israel was going astray. They spoke forth the corrective word of the Holy Spirit. They did not seek for a "balanced ministry". They always stressed what was missing. They never wasted time speaking of the matters in Israel that were already according to God's order. In that sense, the Old Testament prophets were all imbalanced in their ministry.

Consider Jeremiah, for example. At one stage, Jeremiah said to God, "You have NEVER ONCE let me speak a word of kindness to these people. Always it is disaster, horror and destruction" (Jer.20:8 - Living). His was certainly not a balanced message, full of grace and truth!! It was just judgment, judgment and more judgment! This message became such a burden to Jeremiah himself at one stage. But he still could not quit preaching it, because every time he thought of changing the message, God's Word of judgment would burn within his heart like a fire and he could not hold it in any longer (Jer.20:9 - Living). And so he continued preaching judgment to the nation of Judah for 46 years. If Jeremiah had listened to the voice of his own reason or to the advice of other preachers who did not know the mind of God, he would have modified his message. He would then have been more balanced. But he would not have been God's prophet any longer!

Now consider the ministry of Prophet Hosea. His message was totally different from Jeremiah's. God's message through Hosea to Israel was, "O how I love you, even though you have disobeyed me and gone astray." But Jeremiah, who lived 180 years after Hosea, never sought to imitate Hosea's ministry. These prophets were not imitators of each other. Each of them knew the burden that God had given them.

A new-covenant prophet too will always speak of what is lacking in a church, and point out where it is imbalanced. He will have discernment from God about the current need of the people to whom he ministers. The greatest need in every church today is for prophetic ministry - through which the Spirit speaks saying, "No. Not that way. This way." Most preachers prepare their sermons by reading books and magazines and by listening to tapes - in order to impress their hearers. They are careful; however, to leave out whatever might offend their hearers, because they seek for honour and for gifts.

Prophets however, are not like that. They listen to God, and tell the people exactly what God wants them to hear. And so a prophet may preach on one theme repeatedly, until the imbalance in a church is corrected. Professional preachers, however, are afraid of preaching the same message even twice to the same congregation. Traveling preachers even have to make a note (in their minds or in their diaries) as to what message they preached in a particular church, so that they don't make the mistake of preaching the same message again when they visit that church a second time - lest they lose their honour as preachers!!

What a desperate need there is for prophets in our day!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Don't Let the spirit of Poverty Bind You



Proverbs 18"21 "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof."

In the Spirit I saw words coming out of the mouths of God's people that appeared to be forming chain-like links hooking together. With each negative comment our words became like a chain that grew, wrapping itself around the object we were complaining about.

One of the largest chains I saw was wrapping around finances. Each time someone would say, "I don't have enough money," this chain became reinforced with strength wrapping tighter around their wallets and purses. As this complaining continued I saw huge locks come upon these chains as a spirit of poverty and depression began to be released from hell to fulfill the words that were being spoken.
I saw enormous chains come over whole ministries and churches.
Wherever two or more people were gathered together and began to say, "We don't have enough money for this or that in our ministry or church," - huge chains began to wrap around whole ministries, congregations, pulpits and alter rails. I saw a muzzle come over the mouths of many pastors when just a few members were agreeing and saying. "We can't afford to pay him that much!"

Chains from hell started growing around the pastor's whole family as the spirit of poverty continued to increase in churches, like a little leaven leavening the whole lump! I saw churches closing as chains and locks were being installed on their front doors as the spirit of poverty overcame many, stopping them from giving tithes and offerings.

I then saw in the Spirit one person stand up in a church that was about to close its doors. This person began to lift up their wallet towards heaven and began thanking God that he even had a wallet! Though nothing was inside his wallet he was praising God that he had the breath to praise Him in spite of his lack of finances. As this man started lifting up his wallet with thanksgiving and praise, the chain snapped off of it and the Lord spoke audibly to this church, "Let everything that has breath, praise Me! In every thing give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you and this House!" A revelation was breaking forth upon God's people that just breathing qualifies us to praise and worship Him! "In God We Trust" became a sermon as someone pulled out their last dollar bill and began to read what was written on their money instead of counting how much they didn't have. God spoke. "Don't count your money - read it! Count on Me!" Ministries, churches and their members were being freed as chains and locks began to melt from the presence of the Lord as they discovered afresh that God was their source!.


As they started thanking God for their wallets and purses though empty and needy, I saw a key being turned in a door of a bank in heaven filling wallets, purses, ministries and churches with whatever they had need of. I saw the future of many churches so blessed and prosperous from members giving freely that pastors had to announce to their congregations. "We have enough money! Please pray to see where God would have us use the extra finances that have come in!"

It seemed when God's people began to give thanks they discovered blessings and finances they didn't know they had before. It would come from somewhere, somehow, for their heart of thanksgiving wanted to give instead of receive. They wanted to bless others and in turn money seemed to come looking for them and track them down, overtaking them with material and spiritual blessings that they couldn't put a price tag on!

Each time a ministry, church or individual would say - "We have enough money, for God is our source!" - angels would be released to bring in above and beyond what they were believing God for!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Prophetic Anointing


By James W. Goll - Encounters Network

A New Anointing for a New Generation

1. I Corinthians 12:4-6, "Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. And there are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons."

2. Psalms 92:10, "But Thou hast exalted my horn like that of the wild ox; I have been anointed with fresh oil."

3. Isaiah 10:27b, "...the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing fatness."

4. Acts 10:38, "...God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him!"

Definition of the Anointing

Supernatural enablement, grace, manifested presence of the Holy Spirit operating upon or through an individual or corporate group to produce the works of Jesus.


What is the Prophetic?

1. As a people, we have been called to carry a prophetic-type burden; to live out on the living edge of God's eternal purpose.

2. We should, especially in the New Testament, make a working distinction between the office of a prophet and the prophetic ministry of a corporate people.

3. We see the prophetic ministry as one aspect of the five-fold calling, resident in a degree in every ministry; more evident and activated in others.

4. God's ultimate weapon is a man or a woman who has encountered the prophetic anointing. It should ever be kept in mind that God does not anoint projects but men and women--people!

5. A working definition of the prophetic ministry is as follows:

They speak the Word of the Lord in the Name of the Lord.

They carry "weight" by virtue of the ethical, moral, and spiritual urgency in their message.

They are prophetic, not by birth or official designation, but by the power of their inner call and the response of their hearers.

The single most characteristic mark of true prophetic people is the evidence that they have stood in the counsel of Jehovah and have, thereby, faithfully declared what they have heard from His mouth.

They are primarily concerned not with the distant future, but to tell forth the will of God in the crisis of their own days. They are then essentially, interpreters of God.

Their major task--Old Testament and New, was to declare that in Christ, all the prophecies were foreshadowed and fulfilled: Acts 3:24, I Peter 1:10-11, Revelation 19:10.

What is Prophecy?

We could say that prophecy is the expressed thoughts of God, spoken in a language that no man in his natural gift of speech could ever articulate. The substance and nature of prophecy exceeds the limits of what the natural mind could conceive. (God's thoughts are not man's thoughts, Isaiah 55:8.) The gift of prophecy comes through the mouth of man, but it comes from the mind of God--spiritual thoughts in spiritual words. (I Corinthians 2:9-16)


Varieties (from Webster's Dictionary): Being various or varied; absence of sameness; different form of same thing, condition; collection of different things.

Different Levels of Prophecy

1. Spirit of prophecy.

2. Gift of prophecy--circumstantial or occasional that comes upon a person.

3. Ministry gift--residential, consistently abiding within a person.

4. Prophetic office--that can be a foundational ministry in the church. (Ephesians 2:20)

Seven Expressions of the Prophetic Spirit

Prophets and those in prophetic ministry are as different as one snow flake is to another. The following list of seven distinct expressions gives us a sampling of these prophetic variations.

1. Seers operating in dreams and visions.

2. Those who proclaim God's corporate purpose.

3. Those who proclaim God's heart standards for His people.

4. Those who proclaim the church's social responsibilities and moral actions.

5. Those who speak forth the administrative strategy of God with a political slant.

6. Prophetic worship leaders who usher in the manifested presence of God through prophetic worship.

7. Prophetic intercessors who pave the way for prophetic fulfillment.


The Kingdom versus the Church

1. Some are placed in the church to equip the church. Others are placed in the church for ministry to the secular community to release God's Kingdom influence.

2. With governmental authority or without? Some prophetic vessels carry a governmental leadership anointing (Moses, Abraham, David, etc.) Others do not and should not. Let us not covet another person's grace allotment.

Other Possible Categories Needed Today

These are simply a few additional examples of the variety of prophetic anointing the Holy Spirit wants to release.

1. Spirit-Bearers:

John 3:8, "The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit."

The practice of the presence of Jesus--releasing the ordinary manifestations of God's glorious presence, through a love-walk.

Extraordinary manifestations, such as falling in the Spirit, quaking, shaking, ecstatic speech, power encounters, kingdom clashes of angelic and demonic warfare, angelic activity, fragrance of Christ, etc.

2. Prophetic Counselors: This is a combination of pastoral and prophetic. Often mingled with the spirit of counsel and understanding (gifts of healings and discerning of spirits). Their concern is with the internal condition of the heart and mind of man.

3. Prophetic Enquirers: This is a prophetic and teacher combination. They explain the ways of the Spirit, taking the bizarre and making it practical, relatable, and understandable. Their call is to multiply and disciple.

4. Prophetic Writers: This is a gift-mix of writing and prophetic. They write with revelatory anointing, expressing God's heart to contemporary society.

5. Prophetic Evangelist: This is taking the revelatory gifts to the streets, stadiums, neighborhoods, health clubs, executive places, shopping malls, etc.


The Killer

Comparing oneself to another, and wanting what they have produces death. Avoid jealousy and insecurity. God has plenty to go around--seek your own call and anointing, learn from others but get your own.

The Antidote

Walking in accountability with others. Cultivate faithfulness with what you already have. Find your identity in Christ Jesus first, instead of gifting. Then give yourself to that unique expression of His grace in your life.

Breaking Barriers and Mental Limitations

There can be "molds and yokes" that seem to hinder people. Through rejection, wrong types of comparisons, and the residue of legalistic traditions permeated with the fear of man, we can walk under false "yokes and molds" that need to be identified and broken off. The Holy Spirit will help us and liberate us to be the unique, varied expressions of His wonderful prophetic presence, and yet walk circumspectly with integrity within the Church.

Breaking out of the Box

God has never been in a box! We are the ones in boxes! We must let the Holy Spirit take the lid off, flow in creativity, and be all that you can be in God!