Saturday, August 13, 2011

My Heart is in India

My Heart is in India 

By Prophet.Chad Taylor

My heart is in India says the Lord. My heart is hidden in the soil of that country. My heart is in the least of their brethren. My heart is captured in the hearts of their children. India is a field of dreams and this year the fallow ground shall be broken. I will restore the foundation of My presence and give the pearl of great price to this generation of harvesters. They will reap if they faint not.

I will arrest the hearts of their government. I will visit the bed chambers of their kings. I will speak in the ear of their magistrates and lawyers. I will turn the hearts of their leaders like water. I will walk between the pillars of their temples and courts making known My will. They will hear My voice in the midst of them and they will be saved. For now is the appointed time, now is the Day of Salvation.

I will open the door to their lion's dens. I will release those that have been persecuted for My names sake. I will send the angel of My presence into their streets and they will be healed. I will visit the prisoners and the outcast. I will appear to them in their pit and prison and they will declare My name. I will take them from the dung heap to sit with princes says the Lord. They walk the halls of Kings and bring a sweet smelling offering.

I will establish a fortress of My presence in India in the hour. I will lay a foundation of revival that the gates of hell will not prevail against. I will establish a revelation of My presence that cannot be shaken though there are many adversaries. I will open the eyes of My servants and they will declare a greater that is in them. When they walk through the fire I will be there, when they walk through the waters I will walk with them. O India you are Mine.

I will open the gates of commerce again in India. I will command a blessing on their commerce and trade. I will shift the weight of the ancient curses off of them and their yoke will be easy. I will pour out a blessing upon those that seek Me even more they can contain. From that blessing the nations will eat. Joseph's shall rise from the shadows of obscurity and persecution to bring prosperity and righteousness in this hour says the Lord. I will go before them and the nations will prosper.

I am building a bridge of My presence from America into India in this hour says the Lord. Many shall tread upon it and possess the land. I will cause a great favor in traveling from this country to that one. I will open doors no man can close. I will open the ancient gates and King of Glory shall come in. Who is this King of Glory? The Lord God Almighty is His name. And to those that are not ashamed of Me and My presence, the nations will be their inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth shall be their possession. For this is the inheritance of all the saints. This is My reward. Even now I am standing at the door”.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Outlook That Changed History!

A Glimpse of Heaven

I had a vision once which made me take my Christian life far more seriously than I had ever done before.

In this vision, I saw myself as one who was active in Christian activities. I went to Christian meetings, taught in the Sunday School, and now and then visited the sick. In all these things I was quite sincere and had no idea of playing the hypocrite. In fact, I considered myself to be quite a shining light.

Without any warning, I became terribly sick one day, and was brought to the brink of death. But since I was a born-again Christian, I knew that I could rely on the mercy of my Saviour. Then I lost consciousness, and all of a sudden, found myself in heaven. It was wonderful to see the saints of God there.

At first I was swallowed up with great joy with the thought that I was safe and free from sin- and I was. But then I began to feel lonely and a little sad. I somehow felt unfit to mingle with these glorious saints.

My thoughts went back to my past life and it unfolded before me like a movie-film. But across it all was written the one word “Forgiven”. “Oh, praise God,” I thought, “there is no record of my sins.”

But further glance at the record of my life troubled me. The record showed my thoughts, feelings, actions etc. It showed how and for what I had used the time, talents and money which God had entrusted me with, during my life on earth.

Now I saw the world as God saw it- reeking with lust, adultery, hatred, witchcraft, war, lying, gossiping, rebellion, greed, pride, hypocrisy etc. I could now see the millions blinded by sin, staggering and falling into the pit of hell. No one seemed to care for them. I also heard the screams of agony of those caught in the web of sin. But no one seemed interested in helping them.

I had been too busy (during my earthly life), having fun- even religious fun. As I now saw myself and my way of life as God had seen it, I became sick with the realization that I had lived selfishly.

“If only I could get back my wasted life," I thought. But that could never be possible. My opportunities on earth were now past. “Oh God”, I thought, “I would give anything to have lived my life to its fullest for Christ”.

Suddenly one of the glorious saints came to me. He said he had come to hear me tell of the victories I had won and of the souls I had had the privilege of pointing to Christ. What could I say? All I could remember was my life of ease and comfort. My life had been filled with seeking to please myself. He asked me concerning his son. His son had been full of rebellion and he had lived near me. “Did you speak to him of Christ? Is there some hope of his being saved?” he asked.

My heart sank within me as I heard his question. What could I reply? I had known the boy and his problems. But not wanting to get involved in his difficulties. I had ignored him. The boy's father must have guessed the truth when he saw me silent. He looked at me with a look of disappointment for himself and pity for me, and then slowly turned and went away.

And then I saw another glorious person. This was a widow who had struggled through great difficulties on earth, and had led all her children to Christ except her youngest girl. She told me that her youngest daughter had been led astray by the empty glamour of the world. “If someone had shown her Christ's love perhaps she might have opened her eyes,” she said, “You knew her. Did you take time to talk to her?” Again I was silent. I bent my head down as I could no longer bear to see her looking intently at me for an answer.

As I was deep in thought, another form appeared before me. This was the glorified form of one who had been a black man on earth. He introduced himself and asked me concerning the Christian group with whom he had labored and of his companions whom he had left behind- many of whom I knew. “Did you try to help them?” he asked, “Was your life an example to them? Please tell me, did you make some attempt to lead them to salvation?”
I knew his group. But I had never given them any encouragement or help. I had reasoned that they did not belong to my group, they did not hold my convictions, and they were quite different from me in many respects. But now in the clear light of heaven, I could see that I had been full of spiritual pride. “Oh God,” I thought, “Is this heaven? Will the selfishness of my past life haunt me throughout eternity? Lord, I feel so wretched and unworthy. If only I could live my life over again.”

I felt nothing but anguish and wondered if I would find any comfort at all in heaven. I had wasted my life in useless ambitions and trifling pleasures- when it might have been filled with sowing deeds that would have produced a never-ending harvest of heavenly fruit.

Then I saw a marvelous sight. Thousands of God's faithful servants through the ages were passing by me. They looked like gods and I would have given anything to possess their joy and beauty. And then I saw Jesus, the King of kings Himself. What a look of love and admiration He gave those faithful servants of His, as though He was saying. “Well done, My faithful brothers.” Oh, that look of Jesus! I felt it would be worth dying a hundred deaths to get one such loving look of recognition from Him.

Then He turned and look at me- in pity- and said, “You will find yourself very little in harmony with these who laid down their lives to bring honor to Me”.

“Oh God! Oh God!”, I cried, “Hide my shame. If only I had valued the opportunities that You had given me to serve You. Why did I chase after such hollow ambitions and comforts? Lord, help me!”

Mercifully, it was only a vision. I awoke to find that I was still on earth. I still had opportunity to live my life completely for Him Who had given up everything for me.

-William Booth


Friday, June 17, 2011

Moving in the Anointing!

James W. Goll:
Being Supernatural Naturally

The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit. John 3:8

The Lost Art of Tacking

How many of you know that the wind blows wherever it wishes? It surely does. Now, watch what else this verse says, "So is everyone who is born of the Spirit." That means you are to be like the wind. Yep – that means you! So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.

Characteristics of the Wind
  • Cannot see the wind
  • Can feel the wind
  • Can hear the wind
  • Can observe the effects of the wind
  • Can harness the wind into useful purpose
  • Learning Lessons from Sailing

We think the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. But remember, there are no shortcuts in God! We can take some tips from learning to move in the supernatural from the natural – from the art of sailing.

First, you must hoist your sail up into the wind and catch the wind, but you must have a flexible sail. You must learn to reposition your sail or you will end up in the wrong place having just gone in a straight line!

To get to your appointed destination, you must learn to angle your sail then in an opposite direction and this will help you to continue to progress in forward motion. Thus it is in our life of God. You angle this way and then you angle that way. In sailing, this is called tacking. We must learn to let the wind carry us and then shift whenever it is necessary.

The True Supernatural is Always Personal

• An Equal Opportunity God

The true supernatural is always personal, and God loves using ordinary, everyday people. We become contagious carriers of the anointing from God Himself that propels you into action. This true supernatural flow of the Holy Spirit gives you an insight into another's need and it enables you to understand their hurts, pain, needs, and heartache. Then, as you pray about what has been revealed to you, you ask God for wisdom to show you how to help the other person (see James 1:5-8). God will reveal to you what needs to be done to help alleviate another's situation.

Some of the qualities of the true supernatural in a Believer's life, which you must be clothed with every day are: purity, holiness, tender-hearted pity, mercy, kind feelings, humility, gentleness, patience, endurance, and good temper. These come from deep within you, where the Holy Spirit resides; they are called the fruit of the Spirit. Could it be that the farther we go on our journey with God, the more He wants us to be like Him? Do you want to be like Him? Do you want to follow in the footsteps of Jesus? Do you want His image to be formed in you?

If your answer to these questions is yes, then all you need to do is let the necessary ingredient of compassion fill your heart. Jesus is touched with the feelings of your weaknesses. Be willing to let Him use you for such simple and yet noble purposes.

Remember, Jesus stopped for the one!

• Revival of Kindness

Some years ago, early one morning, I heard the Dove of God speak to me. His words filled my being and they have never left me to this day. Want to know what these earth-shattering words were? "I will have a revival of kindness." The world needs a revival of kindness today. We do not need more "religious churchianity." We need people who care enough to do what Jesus would do.

Imagine what would happen if God's people began to use their gifts and talents sprinkled with some good ol' creativity to show forth acts of kindness to others. Simple acts of kindness, stemming from the love of God, would affect major changes in people's lives and the ways people respond to one another. Let a revival of kindness come forth.

"Random acts" of kindness are seeds of compassion that will truly make a difference in the lives of others. In fact, these random acts will often open the door to the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit to take over. You do the natural and then He will respond with the supernatural. Stopping to express God's love in personal, practical, and tangible ways opens the door to the power and revelatory gifts of the Holy Spirit to flow. It is really that simple!

Keys to the Supernatural Flow

• Get Empty Vessels! – Lessons from II Kings 4:1-4

Are their keys to moving in the supernatural? Want to move in a higher level? Then go find empty vessels! We will have to go out of our typical way to find these hungry vessels. They are waiting on us. With this in mind, let's take a look at the prophetic lessons of II Kings 4:1-4 and apply them today.

"Now a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried out to Elisha, 'Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared the Lord; and the creditor has come to take my two children to be his slaves.' Elisha said to her, 'What shall I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in the house?' And she said, 'Your maidservant has nothing in the house except a jar of oil.' Then he said, 'Go, borrow vessels at large for yourself from all your neighbors, even empty vessels; do not get a few. And you shall go in and shut the door behind you and your sons, and pour out into all these vessels, and you shall set aside what is full.'"

• Pour Out the Oil Until! – Lessons from II Kings 4:5-7

Ever think you are about to run out of oil? Are you still waiting for the big download to occur? Again, look at the word of the Lord through Elisha. Pour until!

So she went from him and shut the door behind her and her sons; they were bringing the vessels to her and she poured. When the vessels were full that she said to her son, "Bring me another vessel." And he said to her, "There is not one vessel more." And the oil stopped.
  • Go find empty vessels! Hint: They are located outside of your comfort zone! You must go outside your own house to find them.
  • Maintain a secret place in God by building a private history before God!
  • Use what you have! Share your oil!
  • Your key to increase is pouring into the lives of others!
  • Don't just wait for the next big encounter – be faithful with the little you have.
  • Invite the empty vessels into your world and pour your oil into them!
  • The supernatural flow will continue as long as the empty vessels are in front of you! Pour until they are full!
  • Your needs will be met as well when you move in the supernatural flow! Provision is on the way!

Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, "Go, sell the oil and pay your debt, and you and your sons can live on the rest."

Moving in the Anointing

In July of 1983 the Lord spoke to me and said: "Five minutes of My anointed prayer through you will do more than five hours of counseling that you have done in the past." That is not saying counseling has no value. The Lord was simply presenting a principle to me. He was saying five minutes of His anointing through you can affect a person's life to a greater degree than what your human counseling can do.

• Options to Moving in the Anointing

At times, there appears to be options that we choose from to move in the anointing: knowing when to jump in and flow, and at other times to pull back and wait on Him. In this we must learn dependency and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit.

You may minister:
  • With no feeling or sensation but having heard a word.
  • The anointing through the gifts of the Spirit.
  • From reading the Scriptures and then simply doing it.
  • By ministering in blind faith and obedience.
  • By moving in the glory realm of the manifested presence.
  • All are effective and all have their place. The Lord may use any or all of these ways. The key to understand is this: There is no one way that is correct. You have to remain sensitive to the Holy Spirit.

• Wisdom Ways to Moving in the Anointing

1. The main thing to learn in the anointing is realizing it is not you. Healing evangelist Mahesh Chavda likens the anointing to getting a scuba diving suit, a second skin, put on you. You realize it is not about you but about Jesus Christ. We are to step into Him and Him into us (see John 15).

2. The anointing is simple. It is a relationship. It's asking the Holy Spirit questions: What is this? Do I say it? What now? Where from here? Ask questions, and more questions.

3. When the anointing seems to be lifting, humility is a key to receiving back His presence and His anointing. Humble yourself before God and seek His face to receive fresh grace.

4. Faithfulness is a major key to walking out the desire to see healing, deliverance and salvation take place. Be faithful in the little and more will come.

• How Does the Anointing Increase?

1. By hanging out with those who love the anointing. Watch, observe and learn from those who know these ways of the Lord.

2. By being in the right environment and associations – atmospheres of faith and risk.

3. By hungering and thirsting after His presence. One thing I desire and that will I seek after...

4. Studying the Word and praying the promises back to the Father. Meditate on the Word and become a word!

5. Persistence and old-fashioned faithfulness. Jesus said that faithfulness brings increase.

Father God, in Jesus' name, I ask that You teach us the lost art of tacking. Anoint me. Use me. Teach me how to flow in the supernatural anointing of God. Let the fragrance of Christ be released through my life in a supernaturally natural manner. I love You and Your ways and I look forward with great expectation for new adventures where power and character come together for a display of the fame of Your great name! Amen and amen!

James W. Goll
Encounters Network • PrayerStorm • Compassion Acts

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Clear Prophetic Message to Our Generation

The 5 Angels of the 5 Continents

by Samuel Doctorian August 16,1998

Prophecy of Dr. Samuel Doctorian, Director of Bible Lands Mission concerning the times, entitled 'The Five Angels of the Continents' on August 16, 1998 on the island of Patmos. This message was transcribed by Ruthanne Galok from a cassette tape received in Singapore on August 30, 1998. The tape was brought by Wee Tiong Howe, a Christian who had just returned from the island of Patmos. where he stood in prayer with a small group of Singaporeans. Ali, Samuel Doctorian told them the experience.

Lack of practice grieves the Spirit of Love

'I was alone in a rented house on the island of Patmos for several weeks in order to pray and seek the Lord. I found a small church - St. Nicholas Chapel - and there poured out my heart before God. I found a rock on the slope of a hill where I would sit and pray - meditation and reading the Bible. I ate very little during those days. Several times I went to the 'cave of John, "where he would have seen the great apocalypse.

While meditating one month in this solitary place, I thought: I wonder if the Lord will ever send the tenth angel. `I had seen angels nine times previously. He had seen an angel who delivered a woman hanging in upper Egypt.

Seen the ninth angel in Beirut in the midst of war. The angel woke me physically at three o'clock in the morning and told me to immediately leave the country I am thankful to the Lord until today - I do not know what would have happened to me if the angel had not come. Heaven will tell that one day.

So I wondered if I would see an angel for the tenth time. There were times when I prayed I felt a presence so strong that it led me to ask: 'Lord, if an angel is coming now? `But not so. One night I even dreamed about an angel. He told me to fly in my dream and I did - but that was only a dream. I wanted to see a real angel, as I've seen nine times before.

On June 20 at 3:50 am, here in Patmos suddenly my room was all lit up - and there were no lights around. It was an isolated house at the end of the road near a monastery. I was fully awake when I saw five beautiful angels. I saw their faces - perfect human-like, but full of light. I saw their eyes, their hair, their hands. On my right side were two angels and when I looked left I saw three other angels with wings. They were dressed in beautiful white robes who came to the floor - something that I can not describe with human words. I wondered why five angels had come, but I was trembling and shaking. I wanted to cry and could not.

Shortly before I saw these angels in spirit, I saw myself in a large gathering of crowds, and I was preaching in English. An interpreter was on my left with dark hair and a gray suit, but I can not remember what language he spoke. I was prophesying this message: - My church, you preach love, teach love, but you need to practice love. Show love. There is need for unity in my body. There are many divisions among you. My Spirit will not move and work where there is no unity. There is carnality in my church. I wish and want a holy people. I died to sanctify you.

While I was prophesying in the spirit I was trembling. My eyes were open and I stared at the large crowd. And suddenly, in the midst of the prophecy, these mighty angels appeared. I pulled away from the pulpit and thought I would fall. I am now wide awake, but this is all happening in spirit. Some power has prevented me from falling and I wondered what was happening.

It was then that the first angel on my right said, `We are five angels from the five continents. We are here to give you messages from the five continents of the world `. At the same moment I heard that, I also heard the multitude crying. `Ohhh, Ohhh, Ohhh ...`. I think the crowd also saw the angels. Somehow the Lord showed me that in the days to come, in many parts of the world, God will reveal Himself through ministering angels. This will happen in public - will happen in churches - thousands of people seeing angels at the same time. They will be ministering to the Body in these last days. Then came this message from the angel: 'What you see and hear, tell it to the nations'. Therefore, it was not something I keep to myself. Accept it or not, have to tell it to the nations.

The FIRST ANGEL said I have a message for all of ASIA.

The first angel said: `I have a message for all of Asia '. When he said that in a second atom could see the whole China, India, Asian countries of Laos and Vietnam - I've never been to those countries. I saw the Philippines, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. Then the angel showed me Papua New Guinea, Irian Java, down to Australia and New Zealand.

Death and revival in Asia and Oceania

'I am the angel of Asia', he said. In his hand I saw a tremendous trumpet that he would play all over Asia. Whatever the angel said, will happen with the trumpet of the Lord all over Asia. Millions will hear the powerful voice of the Lord. Then the angel said:

`There will be disaster, starvation - many will starve. Strong winds will be like never before. A large part will be shaken and destroyed. Earthquakes will take place across Asia and the sea shall cover the earth '.

I have heard the news of villages completely wiped out and dived into the sea in Papua New Guinea. Thousands of lives at risk. This happened a few weeks ago, and the angel told me it would happen all over Asia. `The earth will fall into the sea ', I heard the angel say. `Party of Australia will be shaken. Australia will be divided and a great part will go in the Ocean '.

This was frightening - I wondered whether I was hearing right. But the angel said. 'Millions will die in China and India. Nation will rise against nation, brother against brother. Asians will fight each other. Nuclear weapons shall be used, killing millions of people '. Twice I heard the word `catastrophic! Catastrophic! `. Then the angel said: 'Financial crisis will come to Asia. Will shake the world '.

I shivered as the angel was speaking. Then he looked at me and smiled and said: `There will be the greatest spiritual awakening - bondage will be broken. Barriers will be removed. And all over Asia - China, India - people will turn to Christ. There will be a tremendous revival in Australia '. I heard the angel say, `This is` the last harvest.

Then, as if he were speaking, he said, `I shall prepare my church for the return of Christ". I was happy with such good news after the message trial. Throughout the time the five angels were in my room I could feel God's presence - it was tremendous.

The SECOND ANGEL said Harvest time has come in Israel and all the way to Iran.

I saw then that the second angel had a sickle in his hand, such as that used in harvesting. He said: 'Now is the time of harvest in Israel and in countries around the way to Iran'. I saw those countries in a split second. `All of Turkey and those countries that have refused me and refused my message of love will hate each other and kill one another '. I saw the angel raise the sickle and come down on all Middle East countries, saw Iran, Armenia, Azerbaijan, all of Georgia, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, all of Asia Minor, full of blood.

I saw blood all over these countries. I saw fire. Nuclear weapons used in many countries. Smoke rising from everywhere. Sudden destruction - men destroying one another. I heard these words: `Israel, oh Israel, reached the great trial '.

The angel said: 'The chosen, the church, the remnant will be purified. The Spirit of God will prepare the children of God '. I saw fires rising to heaven. The angel said: `This is the final judging. My church shall be purified, protected and ready for the final day. Men will die of thirst. Water scarce all over the Middle East. Rivers shall dry up and men will fight for water in those countries'.

The angel showed me that the UN will be broken into pieces because of the crises in the Middle East. No more the UN. The angel with the scythe shall reap the harvest.

The THIRD ANGEL said Ungodliness all over Europe.

Then one of the angels with wings showed me Europe from one end to another - from the North, down to Spain and Portugal. In his hand he had a measuring instrument. I saw him fly over Europe and heard the words: I am grieved. Injustice, impurity, wickedness throughout Europe. The sin has risen to the skies. The Holy Spirit is grieved. `I saw the rivers of Europe flooding and covering all of Europe. Millions of people drowning.

After seeing this, I read the news recently. Czechoslovakia had the worst flooding ever. I have also heard of the tremendous danger that the big river in China accounted for thousands of homes in danger of being destroyed by flooding. I did not know all this news before he had seen and heard what the angels told me.

Suddenly, I heard earthquakes all over Europe. 'Countries that have had no earthquakes shall be shaken,' said the angel. And suddenly, in my mind, I saw the Eiffel Tower in Paris crumbling falling down. I saw much of Germany destroyed. The great city of London - destruction everywhere. I saw floods all over Scandinavia.

I looked to the south and saw Spain and Portugal passing through hunger and great destruction. Many will die from hunger all over Spain and Portugal. I was worried about all this news and said: `Lord, what about your children?`. The angel replied, `I will prepare. They are waiting for the return of the Lord. Many will cry to me in those days and I'll wash them and make them great miracles and show you my power '. So in the midst of great destruction, God's grace be upon those countries. I was happy that God has His protection over their children.

The FOURTH ANGEL said Innocent blood has been shed.

Now we go to Africa. I saw the fourth angel fly over Africa and I could see from Cape Town, going all the way to Cairo. I saw all the countries there, more than fifty of them. The angel of Africa had a sword in his hand. Suddenly, I heard him say: `Innocent blood has been shed. Divisions between people - generations away from the Lord - they have killed one another, thousands of people. I have seen my faithful children in Africa and reward all the faithful in the continent of Africa. I will bless them abundantly. I control the weather - scorching and burning sun in some parts. Great rivers shall dry up, and millions starve. In other parts, flooding. The foundations will be shaken. My sword shall judge the unrighteous and the bloodthirsty.

Many earthquakes happen that rivers shall flow different directions in the continent, flooding many villages. I saw great pieces falling from the sky over different parts of Africa. `There will be trembling of the earth as never was since creation. None shall escape the sword of the Lord ". I saw the River Nile drying up. He is the god of Egypt.

Dead fish stinking all over Egypt. Large portion of Africa will be covered with water - millions dying. `` Lord, I said `It is all bad news. All destruction. Any good news? 'The Lord replied, `The final day arrived. Judgement day is here. My love has been refused now and the end has come '. I was shaking and trembling. I thought, `I can not stand it '.

FIFTH ANGEL said Innocent blood has been shed.

Then I saw the last angel flying over North and South America - all the way from the North Pole down to Argentina. >From the east of the U.S.A. to California. I saw in his hand a bowl. The angel said he would pour out over these countries the judgments that were in the bowl. Then I heard the angel say, "No justice anymore. No righteousness. No holiness. Idolatry. Materialism. Drunkenness. Bondage of sin. Shedding of innocent blood - millions of babies being killed before they are born. Families are broken. An adulterous generation. Sodom and Gomorrah is here. The days of Noah are here. False preachers. False prophets. Refusing of my love. Many of them have the imitation of religion, but denying the real power.

When I heard all that, I begged the angel, "Can you not wait for a little while? Don't pour it. Give a chance for repentance." The angel said, "Many times God has spared and has spoken, but they have not listened. His patience has come to an end. Beware, the time has come. They have loved money and pleasure more than they have loved Me." As the angel began to pour from the bowl in his hand, I saw tremendous icebergs melting. When that happened I saw floods all over Canada and North America - all the rivers flood; destruction everywhere. I heard the world market collapsing with mighty earthquakes, and New York skyscrapers were tumbling - millions dying.

I saw ships in the ocean sinking. I heard explosions all over the north country. I saw the angel pouring over Mexico and two oceans joining together- the Atlantic and the Pacific. A great part of north Brazil covered with water, the Amazon River turning into a great sea. Forests destroyed and flooded. Major cities in Brazil destroyed; earthquakes in many places. As the angel poured, great destruction took place in Chile and Argentina as never before. The whole world was shaking. Then I heard the angel say," This will happen in a very short time." I said, "Can't you postpone? Don't pour these things out all over the globe." And suddenly I saw the five angels standing around the globe lifting up their hands and their wings towards heaven and saying, "All glory to the Lord of heaven and earth. Now the time has come and He will glorify His Son. The earth shall be burned and destroyed. All things shall pass away. The new Heaven and New Earth shall come. God shall destroy the works of the devil forever. I shall show My power - how I will protect My children in the midst of all this destruction.

Be ready for that day, for the Lord has come.

My room was full of light from the brightness of the angels. Then suddenly they ascended up to heaven. As I looked up I saw the angels go in five directions. I know they already have started their duties. For more than an hour I could not move. I was wide-awake, trembling from time to time. I said, " Lord, shall I leave Patmos now?" He said, "No, I brought you here for a purpose." I said," The message from the angels all over the world is not good news. It is judgment, punishment, destruction, devastation. What will people say about me? I've always been a preacher of love, peace and good news." The angel said," It is our message. You are the instrument, the channel. What a privilege that God has chosen you to give this message to the nations. "I said," Lord, Thy will be done." To God be the glory.

Scripture Reference: 1 Thess 4:13-18; 5:1-11; Hebrews 12:22-29; 2 Peter 3:1-13

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

"13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. 15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words."

1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 "1 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. 2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. 4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. 5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. 6 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. 7 For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. 8 But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. 9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, 10 Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him. 11 Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do."

Hebrews 12:22-29 "22 But ye are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, 23 To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, 24 And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel. 25 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven: 26 Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven. 27 And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. 28 Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: 29 For our God is a consuming fire."

2 Peter 3:1-13 "1 This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance: 2 That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Savior: 3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, 4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. 5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: 6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: 7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. 8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. 10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. 11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, 12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? 13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness."


Friday, April 15, 2011

Obscure Champions of God!

Paul Keith Davis:
God Says, "I Have Many Hidden Champions"

"I have many hidden champions living quietly in obscurity who have Heaven's attention." That is a statement I heard from the Lord in a dream while in Tucson, Arizona during our, "Sons, Taught of the Lord" conference.

On the second morning of our conference I had a powerfully vivid dream that provided a very encouraging message. In it, I found myself in a horse stable with the great racing champion, Secretariat. I was thrilled to observe firsthand Secretariat's beauty and strength; his mere presence was awe-inspiring.

While admiring this incredible champion I was also reminded of the revelatory messages I have brought since 2002 involving Secretariat as a prophetic picture of God's last day champions; men and women of valor with enlarged heart's for God and increased capacity for His Kingdom. I've written about this in, "Books of Destiny" and shared it in numerous spoken messages.

At that moment a gentleman walked into the stable that I intuitively recognized as the foremost authority on horses. He watched for a moment as I admired Secretariat, then spoke saying, "Secretariat was a great champion—but there were many more just as great as he was who also had enlarged hearts and great capacity." I was somewhat startled at that statement and argued slightly saying, "Secretariat was the single greatest champion ever. There was no horse greater than Secretariat."

With that statement the man gently stated that he begged to differ. He went on to explain there were many great champions just like Secretariat who also had enlarged hearts and great capacity, but they lived in secret and in obscurity. I then realized that I was not speaking with a mere authority on horses, it was the Lord! I was receiving a much-needed lesson on a Kingdom mystery.

Many More Hidden

The Lord was letting me know for every celebrated champion known in a public forum, there are also many others just as great who are satisfied to live covertly and never widely known. Even so, they have Heaven's attention and win great victories in His name and release considerable authority in the Earth.

Our Great Redeemer is going to touch His people and amplify our desperation for Him and His Spirit. We will be so filled with Kingdom there will simply be no room for anything else such as doubt, unbelief or the spirit of this world.

The end-of-the-age Bridal Company/Sons of the Kingdom will have increased capacity for God. The eternal truth of 2 Chronicles 16:9 is directly applicable saying:

For the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His…

He let me know that many of these will experience profound increase and expansion and be given a public forum and ministry with various media outlets to promote the Kingdom's message; but for every one of those there are many others that are strategically hidden. I knew that was a message for this hour.

Special Grace for the Hidden

There is a grace and anointing for those living in secret places whose "life is hidden with Christ in God." Maybe they do not have a public platform, but there are many grandmas, grandpas, stay at home moms and others who have great capacity for God with vital roles in His plan. There is going to be a pronounced grace and favor placed upon their intercession and revelation that will have considerable Kingdom impact.

While sharing that in Tucson I was also reminded of another experience. It was the instance of having received a profound revelation that I had never read in a book nor heard someone preach. A revelation dealing with divine justice and its relevance in the last days.

I felt the Lord had perhaps extended His scepter to me and had directly given me this wonderful breakthrough revelation of Biblical truth. However, sometime after that I went into a vision and I watched a little granny who lived alone spending her hours interceding and praying for the revelation of the Kingdom. She literally bombarded Heaven with her prayers until the Heavens opened. It was as though she came directly before the Lord Himself and He extended His scepter to her like Esther. I watched as the Lord gave her the very revelation that I had subsequently received. I then watched as she began to decree and proclaim that revelation.

I was experiencing a parabolic picture of how revelatory insight is often gathered and released in the Earth. As she prophesied the revelation it was as though that message went forth from her mouth and broadcasted into the Spirit realm. It was a scene similar to that in Isaiah 51:16 saying:

I have put My words in your mouth and have covered you with the shadow of My hand, to establish the heavens, to found the earth, and to say to Zion, "You are My people."

She did not prophesy it to a crowd of people nor a corporate body, but privately under a powerful canopy of God's anointing. I watched that message go forth from her mouth into the heavenly realm like a radio signal. I then observed myself enter my prayer closet and put up my "revelatory antenna" and spiritually discern or tune into the very revelation she had received and decreed into the Spirit. I then began to formulate that truth into written and spoken messages. I saw how the orchestration of Heaven involves us all in His plans and purposes and the fruit goes into all our heavenly accounts accordingly.

She actually received the breakthrough revelation and prophesied it into the Spirit. There are many key individuals who do not have a public forum or a large platform to share their revelation, but that is the way the Lord intended it. There are the "Simeons and Annas" that we discover in Luke 2 that live in obscurity but with a promise from God.

The Annas and Simeons

The prophetess Anna spent the vast majority of her adult life in the Temple praying, fasting and waiting for the Redemption of Israel. Simeon had an individual promise from God that he would not taste death until he had seen the "Consolation of Israel." There you have these two individuals living in obscurity but with God's promises.

They were satisfied to live hidden while contending for the realization of the promise. It was given to them with an incredible fulfillment by holding in their hands the Salvation of Israel, the Messiah, and Redeemer of the world. What a privilege!

The prophetic message and word of encouragement for these hidden champions is that grace is being granted for you to go into that place of prayer, intercession and birthing. The Lord has shown me these are humble and contrite individuals that do not demand a lot of attention or a large platform, but are satisfied having God's attention; saints who know God and when they pray the heavens shake.

I want to encourage you in that destiny and responsibility. Continue to prophesy your revelations into Spirit realm. Though you may not be required to stand before a company of people, many of the most profound decrees and proclamations will go forth in a very intimate setting. Even so, that word will go into the realm of the Spirit and will not return void without accomplishing its purpose; that is, to make way for the Kingdom of Heaven to bring forth a Bridal Company/Sons of the Kingdom that will transform this generation.

Paul Keith and Wanda Davis
WhiteDove Ministries
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